Page 55 of Savage Ice

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His eyes narrowed. As if he would ever do anything to physically hurt her. He’d sooner cut off his own hand.

She let the sheet fall. “In other words, don’t break my heart, and I won’t break yours.”

He should have told her that he didn’t have a heart. That it couldn’t possibly be broken. And if his every single fantasy wasn’t currently naked in front of him, he would have mentioned that very important point.





And he wanted to touch. And taste. And devour.

And most of all…take.

“When Royal gave me the choice, I didn’t want to go to the airport. I didn’t want to leave you. Mostly because…I just want you.” A slow exhale from her. “But you’re standing there, not saying anything, and I’m basically baring my body and my soul, and you are not responding the way I’d hoped. So please, say something. Do something.”

He did. He touched. His hands curled around her shoulders, and he hauled her closer.

He tasted. His mouth locked onto hers.

He devoured. Beau could not get enough of her taste. Avalon was driving him absolutely insane, and he wanted more and more and more.

He would take. Take until she screamed his name.

His hands slid down her body. Down the curve of her back. Down to the lush ass that he wanted. And he pulled her against him even harder. Silken skin. Naked woman.


He could fuck her right where they stood. Ditch his jeans. Thrust into her. Pound hard and fast and deep. He could?—

Make it good for her. No, better than good. Has to be great. He needed to drive her wild. Past the point of no return. He needed her begging and moaning and drowning in the pleasure he gave her. Only then could he let go of his control. Only. Then.

He lifted her up.

She gasped against his mouth, and her arms curled around his neck. A few steps and they were at the bed. Carefully, tenderly, he lowered her onto the mattress. He kissed her lightly, then pulled away. His gaze traced over her body. Every perfect inch.

“Uh, Beau? Not to tell you your business, but this works way better if you’re in the bed with—” Avalon stopped. Swallowed.

For a moment, what could have been fear flashed in her beautiful, green eyes as her gaze met his.

He knew she’d seen the true depth of his need for her. He was freaking holding on to his control by a thread. “Don’t worry, I got this.”

A nod. “I, yes…”

He caught one of her ankles. Then the other. Slowly, he maneuvered her to the edge of the bed. Then he spread her legs wide.


He touched. His fingers dipped into the heat between her legs. Two fingers. Thrusting. Stretching. Her hips surged up against him as he pulled the fingers out and then raked them over her clit.


He tasted. He bent and put his mouth on her core. That hot, tight center. His tongue thrust into her, and when her hips bucked again, he locked his hands around them and held her in place as he?—

