Page 45 of Savage Ice

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A bar now, at least, on the ground level. The line to gain entrance would stretch down the road when darkness fell.

But darkness hadn’t fallen, not yet.

He slipped toward the back of the building. He didn’t see any security cameras. Probably because someone like Beau wouldn’t want footage of certain individuals who visited him. Just in case, though, because maybe he was missing something, he tugged down the ski mask he’d brought along. Then he advanced toward the door and made short work of the lock. He had plenty of skills that had come in handy over the years. Lock picking had been something he’d mastered as a kid. It was necessary to be able to get in and out of locations very easily.

The door didn’t even squeak when he opened it. An alarm began to beep. A damn inconvenience, but one that he could handle. And, moments later, he did handle it, just as he handled shutting off the sprinkler system.

Silence reigned again.

Behind the mask, he smiled. Beau would need a new alarm installed. By the time I’m done, he’ll need one hell of a lot more than just a new alarm.

Then he turned and headed through the staff area. Past all of the boxes of booze. Some expensive. Some cheap as hell. Then he was behind the bar. The counter gleamed. His gaze swept the area. Chairs had been neatly stacked on top of the tables. All of the lights were off, but sunlight drifted through the windows and allowed him to see perfectly. Lots of gleaming, shining wood. Some cool bricks on the back wall. A nice enough place. But what he really liked…

His turned and focused on the items behind the bar. All of those wonderful whiskey bottles. After all, LeBlanc’s was known to have some of the very best whiskey in town. His gloved hand reached up and curled around one bottle. Twenty years old, huh? He took off the top. Inhaled through the mask. Kentucky bourbon whiskey. Special reserve.

He bet it would burn like a beautiful bitch.

Whistling, he began to pour the whiskey along the bar’s countertop. It splashed and flowed so wonderfully. He was going to?—

“What the hell are you doing?” A voice barked.

He dropped the bottle. It shattered onto the floor.

A big, dark-haired bastard stood about ten feet away. He’d come in the front door. And he was lunging forward fast.

You can’t stop me.

He reached into his pocket. Pulled out his gold lighter. The bastard couldn’t see him smile behind the mask. But when those flames ignited, oh, but his smile sure stretched from ear to ear.

Chapter Eight

Avalon climbed out of the car. Royal waited a few feet away, and he glanced at her. Mirrored sunglasses hid his stare, but his lips had curled into a mocking smile. “Have fun?” he asked.

“Fuck off,” she replied sweetly.

He laughed. “No wonder he’s so obsessed with you.”

“Royal.” A definite snap filled Beau’s voice as he followed her out. “Do not poke the bear right the hell now.”

Royal shrugged. “I was?—”

A ringing cut through his words.

A ringing that came from Beau’s phone. She looked back to see him pull it from his pocket, frown at the screen, then immediately shove the phone to his ear. “Look, Lane,” Beau fired off, “not a good time. I’ll call you right back.”

“The new BFF,” Royal explained.

She hadn’t asked. But Royal’s words had pulled her attention back to him.

“Don’t worry. No one comes before you,” Royal assured her with a faint smile still lingering on his lips. “But you should know the man has a serious tendency to pick up dangerous strays. Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“What?” Beau blasted. “Fucking hell. Yes, yes, I am on my way. Dammit, he got away?” Rage now. Dark and seething.

Royal lost his smile. Even as his smile vanished, she was whirling to look back at Beau once more.

Beau’s face had twisted into lines of absolute fury. Dangerous. Deadly. “Yes, the bar is damn important. I’ll be there as fast as I can.” Then, growling, “Thank you. But don’t you dare get your ass burned for that place. Ophelia would murder me if you did.” He shoved his phone back into his pocket. Locked his stare on Avalon, then ordered, “In the hotel, now.” He waved toward one of the doormen. “Dominic, escort her up.”
