Page 38 of Savage Ice

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And she pretty much landed right in Beau’s lap.

“Took you long enough,” he said.

The door closed behind her.

Chapter Seven

She’d fallen onto him. A delicious sprawl. One hand was on his chest. And the other was temptingly close to his eager dick.

Alas, to Beau’s extreme disappointment, she snatched her hand away from his dick. She also straightened up and jumped to the seat that was a good foot away. But she panted and her gaze darted to his crotch—to the dick that saluted her through the rough fabric of his jeans.

“Sorry about that. When a gorgeous woman jumps in my lap, it happens. Damn thing has a mind of its own.” And when the woman in question was Avalon—well, his dick couldn’t help but surge to instant attention.

“I didn’t jump. I didn’t even realize you were waiting inside the car!”

The limo started moving. “Have a nice chat with the cops?” Beau glanced at his watch. Not that he needed to check it again. He’d been glaring at the thing while he waited on her. “Took you long enough to finish up.”

“They had a million questions.”

“About me.”

“Yes. And about us.”

He waited. He also enjoyed the sight of her. There was just something about Avalon that always made him feel…better. Yes, she was beautiful. Undeniably. To him, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. But there was more. A hard-to-define more that had the tension easing from his shoulders and the twists disappearing from his gut.


She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. The graceful movement of her hand had his stare shifting to her wrist. And to the tattoo that circled her skin. A dark band, but he’d noticed the fleur-de-lis designs hidden in the darkness.

You could take the girl out of New Orleans…

But New Orleans would always linger on the woman.

“Is he your brother?” Avalon waved toward the front of the limo.

Ah. He’d figured she’d pounce on this particular topic. “I did hear him say those words.”

“So he is your brother?”

“I believe he told you something about a brother relationship.”

She heaved out a rather cute, frustrated grunt. “He didn’t tell me his name.”

“He can be an ass like that.” True story. He could actually be an ass in many ways.

“You haven’t told me his name, either.”

Fine. “He goes by Royal most days.”

“Goes by? As in…that’s not his real name? Is it like a stage name? Are you about to tell me that guy is the lead singer in a band or something? Bodyguard and driver by day, rock star at night?”

Hardly, but, God, she made him want to smile. So he did. A real smile for her.

Her eyes fell to his smile. “Dammit, she was right. That smile is trouble.”

He was looking at trouble. But, back to her question about the name. “Not a rock star.” Royal would be horrified by the mere suggestion, so Beau made a mental note to repeat this conversation to him later. “Usually, he’s a royal pain in my ass. So I figure it’s a close enough name.” That was all he’d say on the matter. Royal’s secrets were his own. Beau had already been more than careful enough with his responses.

Her hands twisted in her lap.
