Page 30 of Savage Ice

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Percy nodded a fourth time. “Absolutely.”

Percy owed him—a lot. Plenty of people did. Beau tended to work in favors, among other things. “I want to know the minute the cops arrive. I’m thinking they’ll be here around seven, maybe eight.” Which didn’t give Avalon long to sleep.

“The cops?” Percy’s dark brows shot up.

“Yeah, they’ll be coming. Got a little matter of a murder to handle.” He looked at his watch. Damn late. But there was still work to be done. “Avalon really needs her sleep.” Though he doubted she’d be hopping straight into bed. More likely, the woman would be booting up her laptop and working to uncover all of his dirty little secrets.

He had so many secrets.

“I can stall the cops until eight,” Percy offered. “I’ll stay after my shift to make certain things are handled appropriately for you.”

Beau lifted his head and smiled at the night manager. “Percy, I’ve always liked you.” Actually, he had. From the minute he’d found the kid digging in his dumpster behind LeBlanc’s. Too scrawny, too dirty, and with one hell of a chip on his shoulder.

Percy had reminded Beau of himself.

Except…Percy didn’t need to go down the same path. That path led to hell.

So he’d sent the kid in a different direction.

“Her safety is priority.” Beau wanted to make sure there was no doubt on that point.

Percy nodded. A fifth and final time.

Beau headed into the night. He didn’t like the scene that had gone down at her house. An attacker waiting inside? One who told her that she’d burn?

The flames tonight had reminded Beau too much of another time.

Another place.

The scars on his right shoulder seemed to ache.

Avalon had now escaped two fires. How many more times could she escape death?

It always amused him when monsters pretended to be normal.

From his position in the shadows, he watched Beau LeBlanc stride out of the ritzy hotel. The man took his time. Acted like he owned the place. He’d put Avalon in that hotel. Behind the doormen. The security guards. Locked the princess away.

He glanced up.

He’d bet for all the world he’d locked her in the tower. The safest place, right at the very top.

He knew Beau LeBlanc. After all, it was important to know your enemies. Beau was a very dangerous man. Only he liked to pretend sometimes that he wasn’t.

Liar, liar. I know what you keep locked inside.

Beau was heading away from the hotel.

Away from Avalon.

He pulled out his lighter. It had belonged to his father. The only thing of the bastard’s that he had. Gold on the outside. Smooth. Cold. A flick of his wrist, and the top swung open. His thumb moved of its own accord. A habit, second nature, and the flame flared to life.

Beau glanced back. Too late.

He’d already killed the flame.

But he smiled from the darkness. Because he had prey. The fire was going to burn again soon. In a blaze bright enough to consume the past.

The past…
