Page 21 of Savage Ice

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Was that a freaking bruise forming on her cheek? A red spot now, but it would soon be…Snarling, he looked back down at his prey. His fist drew back once more.

“Don’t! I-I was hired, man! Shit, don’t!”

Fuck that. Beau drove his fist into the attacker’s jaw even as he ordered, “Call the cops, Avalon. Now.” Then he grabbed the asshole by the front of his black shirt. “Why are you here?”

Beau heard Avalon speaking fast and frantically behind him on her phone.

Blood dripped from the man’s mouth. “S-scare her…paid to…”

“You don’t scare her. You don’t touch her. You don’t even breathe in her direction from here on out. From this moment forward, you ever so much as think of her again, and you’re dead, do you understand me?”

A swift gasp from behind him. He didn’t look at Avalon. If he saw another bruise forming on her skin, he might lose his mind. “The cops, Avalon,” Beau prompted her. “Call them, now.” His glare remained on the SOB before him. “Who paid you?”

“D-don’t know…” He heaved against Beau’s hold, stupidly thinking he could get away.

Beau pounded him back against the floor. “Let’s try again. Who paid you to break into her house and scare her?”

“Door was unlocked!”

“Oh, the hell it was!” Avalon chimed in as she scurried forward. She’d ditched her phone.

“Stop!” A blast from Beau. “Do not get close enough for him to touch you.”

The punk’s gaze darted to?—

“I’m sure I told you not to look at her again. Look at me.”

Scared brown eyes met his.

“Do you have any idea who I am?” Beau asked him.

A shake of sweaty, disheveled brown hair.

“I’m Beau LeBlanc.”

The kid’s eyes widened.

“You’ve heard of me,” Beau murmured. “Good. Since you know who I am, you understand that you are fucked.”

“Why is he fucked?” Avalon wanted to know. “Oh, no, are you like…are you a crime boss, Beau? Because I’m getting some serious vibes from you right now. How can a hero be a crime boss? How?”

“Who hired you?” Beau snarled.

“Don’t know! I swear—don’t know! My brother was supposed to have the job, but he got fucking sick. I-I took the gig from him. Ask my brother! Jesus, don’t kill me! Don’t!”

A substitute attacker? Was this BS for real?

“I got paid cash. Money was w-waiting for me. Was told what to say through a text. I swear…I was only scaring her!”

Such a lie. Did he look like a man who believed lies? “I don’t think there’s a brother. I think you’re bullshitting me. That’s your second fatal mistake of the night. Your first was hurting her. And you did hurt her. You bruised her. Your hands were on her when I came inside. So screw the story about you just scaring her. We both know it’s bull. You were here to hurt her, and I want to know who hired you to?—”


He heard it. Like a wave surging through the air. An odd sound. One that made the small hairs rise on the nape of his neck. His head whipped toward Avalon.

She stared back at him with wide eyes. Then her delicate nostrils flared.

She turned for the door. The sound had come from downstairs.
