Page 112 of Savage Ice

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“I make no promises.” Especially not if trouble came looking for him.

Beau and Avalon left the station. As they walked down the steps, a limo slowed and pulled to the curb. Ah, their ride. Perfect timing.

Royal exited the vehicle. Sent him a big grin. “I’m assuming you’re a free man now?”

“You know it.”

Royal opened the side door. Avalon slid inside. Beau didn’t, not yet.

“There is no one hunting your lady any longer?” Royal asked quietly. “Since there is a fairly fresh body in the ground, courtesy of you?”

“She’s free.”

“Great. Then no more bodyguard duty.”

“You don’t even have to be driving the limo,” Beau muttered. “We could have driven ourselves.”

Royal slapped a hand on his shoulder. “Did it for old time’s sake. And because I wanted to make sure my friend was all right.” His gaze held Beau’s. “You are all right?”

For the moment, yeah. But he’d meant what he just said. Avalon was free. She didn’t need the past holding her back any longer. She doesn’t need me. No more watching from the shadows. No more secret protection duty. It was time to back away. “Sure.” Beau flashed a wide, fake smile for Royal. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Try lying to someone else. Though I wouldn’t recommend you lie to her.” Royal’s voice had dropped even more. “I think she’ll see right through you, too.”

He wasn’t going to lie to Avalon. He was about to give her the truth. And a choice. But first, “Kai is good?”

“Good as ever. Knife missed his heart by a whole half-inch. The two of you are both our walking, talking miracles. A little more recovery time, and I plan to throw you guys the biggest party you’ve ever seen. Because I am an awesome friend like that.”

Beau studied him. “You are.”

“Damn straight.”

“You’re also an awesome brother. Thanks for being there for me.”

“Shit. Don’t you dare get emotional on me. If you make me cry, I will never, ever forgive you.” Royal backed away. “Get in the freaking limo. Tell Avalon you love her. Go get your happy ending.”

He wasn’t so sure it would be happy. Not for him. For her? Yes. She deserved everything good in the world. And that good might just mean that she walked away from him.

He eased into the limo. The door slammed shut behind him.

Avalon waited.

He sat across from her. Tried to figure out what to say. Where to start. The last two weeks had been a whirlwind. At first, he’d been trapped in the hospital. Hooked to tubes and monitors. The stitches would come out soon. He’d get the all clear from his doctor. His life could go on. But would it go on with Avalon? Or without her?

He clearly remembered shooting Wesley Vaughn. What wasn’t so clear? Sometimes, Beau thought he recalled Avalon saying…

I love you.

But maybe he’d imagined that part because he wanted it so badly. Wanted her so badly.

“You’re not the bad guy.” Her husky voice. “You’ve always been my hero.”

She’d always been his everything. He looked down. “You’re not in danger any longer.”

“Doesn’t seem that I am.”

“You…you still have to be careful when you interview criminals.” Like he’d ever be thrilled about that aspect of her life. “I can still get you protection. You can have?—”

She touched him. Stopped his words. She’d leaned forward and put her hand on his knee. “We need new ground rules.”
