Page 108 of Savage Ice

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A pulse. Weak. But there. “Alive,” she gasped. But he wouldn’t be for long if they didn’t get him out. “You…have to take him.”

“Beau is in here.” Royal crouched over Kai. “I’m not leaving Beau!”

Neither was she.


Both of their heads whipped toward the right. That had definitely been a voice. One that merged with the fire. A terrible shout.

Beyond the flames, trapped on the far side, she could see…Beau?

“Take…him!” Beau was up against the wall. That was how it looked. Up against the wall. Were his hands behind his back? Why? “Get…out!”

The fire separated them. Fire…

Fire everywhere.

“Fuck.” Coughing from Royal. “You can’t…lift Kai.”

Kai was twice her size. She could drag him. Lift him? No.

“I’m coming back,” Royal swore. “You hear me, Beau? I’m coming back!” He hauled Kai over his shoulder. Kai hung limply. Royal tried to go back the way they’d come.


He had to dodge and weave as he turned and finally ran into the darkness. A different path than they’d originally taken. Please, get out. Make it out.

And she remained crouching as she tried to figure out how to get to Beau.

Her gaze took in the room. The fire that had formed a half-circle around him as he pressed back against the wall behind his body. The fire was between them. So many twisting flames.

“Love…you.” Beau’s words.

Had he dropped to his knees?

“Get…out.” Rough. Breaking in the fire.

Her head turned to the left. Fire.

To the right. Fire.

“Get…out!” A plea from Beau.

She’d have to jump over the fire in order to get to him. Even if she made it past the flames, they’d both be trapped.

How much longer did he have? Smoke thickened the air. Heat lanced her skin. “I…love you.” Could he hear her? Or was the fire crackling too loudly. “I. Love. You!” Then she turned around and ran from the fire.

He laughed when Avalon left.

He’d known she would run.

But Beau, had he known? Or had he thought that she would fight for him?

Beau was on his knees. He could see him. But not for much longer. The flames would be taking over.

Not for much longer.

Goodbye, Beau LeBlanc.
