Page 100 of Savage Ice

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“I have been told that before.”

Douglas let him go. “Got your Jag out of impound. Consider it part of my thanks.” He rattled off directions to find the Jag. “Should be a quick walk for you. Keys will be waiting inside so you can drive off and go find Avalon. I know she’s your priority. I saw the way you watched her at McKinley.”

“Don’t need to find her. I know exactly where she is.” Home. And I’m coming home to you, sweetheart. “Thanks for the assist, DA.”

Douglas stepped out of his path. “Thanks for the ass-saving, LeBlanc.”

Beau headed for the door. “Did anyone mention that I carried you out? Ever-so-carefully?”


Smiling, Beau left interrogation. On his way out of the station, he flashed a one-fingered wave to a glowering Detective Campbell Cunningham.

Ophelia and Lane were waiting near the station’s front door.

“Need a lift?” Lane asked.

“Thanks, but apparently, my ride is waiting.” Courtesy of the DA.

When her phone rang, Avalon jumped an inch. The sudden cry shocked her. Not that she’d been sleeping. She hadn’t even been in bed. She’d been pacing near the piano and waiting for word on Beau.

She grabbed the phone and whipped it up to her ear. “Beau?”

“I’m coming home.”

Her breath shuddered out. “You’re clear? They dropped the charges?”

“Your buddy Douglas Baptiste got the charges dropped.”

“Sorry. We must have a terrible connection. I could have sworn you said the DA just had your charges dropped.”

“He did.” A whistle. “Maybe he’s not a complete jackass.”

“He’s not,” she whispered. Royal sidled in front of her. She mouthed, Beau is coming home.

Royal’s breath expelled in a rush.

“Getting my car and coming back to you.” A pause. “Royal is close, isn’t he?”

“Standing right in front of me like an insanely fierce bodyguard.”

“And you two are playing nicely?”

Not exactly playing. “Don’t worry about us. Just get here.”

“But I do worry about you.” Soft. “All the time. I want you safe, Avalon. You matter. You get that, don’t you?”

Her hold on the phone tightened. “You matter, too, Beau.”

“You don’t have to tell me what you think I want to hear.”

“I-I’m not.” You matter.

“I can see the Jag. It’s near the curb.” He said something else, and this time, she did lose the connection.

“Beau? I can’t hear you.”

