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Together, they walked over to where the shipment lay spread on large tables and saw shrink-wrapped heroin worth hundreds of millions of dollars along with various plastic bags filled with colored pills. Luke picked up one brick of H… the disgust in his voice palpable. “How many lives have been ruined for this garbage?” Sickened, he threw it back down. “Jesus, where did we go wrong?”

Dale pushed at a bag of assorted colorful pills and grunted in agreement. “I’m with you, man. I wish I knew.” They both stood, shoulders heavy, and surveyed the massive haul.

Dale broke the silence. “All in all, it’s been a good night. Let’s take the win. There’s a debriefing tomorrow nine hundred hours. Bill sent the orders. Give me your gun and you can head home before the others recognize you. Not sure if you’re still undercover, but I bet the boss will consider this a job well done.”

“Christ, I hope so. I’ve had enough undercover for a while. See you tomorrow.”

Luke handed over his weapon and walked wearily to where he’d left his truck, then quickly made his way home. The only thing keeping him moving was praying Honey would be there waiting for him.

When he stepped into the kitchen and saw the trail of her clothes leading to the bathroom, he smiled. Looks like she had a mind to use the shower. He didn’t blame her one bit. It was exactly where he intended to go as soon as he checked the bedroom to see for himself if she was okay.

Yep. There she was all curled up like a child. Only most children didn’t sleep naked. Turning, he stripped off his clothes and headed for the shower… beating his fastest record by half the time.

A few moments later, he snuck under the covers to close in on her warmth and wrapped an arm very carefully around the woman who’d become the most important person in his world. With the smell of her beautiful hair creating a tenderness that almost had him moaning, he forced himself to behave. Careful not to disturb her, he gave all his senses free rein, and they filled him with the most happiness he could remember experiencing… ever.

Then he closed his eyes and knew no more.


Honey woke up to a hand protectively holding her to a body she recognized instantly. No one else ever generated such a reaction in her as the man who shared her bed.

Lying quietly for a few minutes to enjoy the luxury of knowing Luke was safe and next to her, she let her mind wander only to stop it from revisiting the dire actions of the night before. She’d give anything not to remember those moments of fear and revulsion.

Stiffening unconsciously, she heard a shushing sound and felt her body being turned to meet the eyes of the man she adored. Willingly, she faced him and smiled a greeting. “You’re here with me. I prayed for this before I fell asleep.”

“Guess that bored you enough to drift off.” His teasing grin made her laugh. Finally she felt a lightening of her spirit.

“Brat. You never bore me. You infuriate me sometimes but then you can’t help being male.”

“Ha! I’m an angel compared to some of the dudes I’ve run into lately.”

Honey pulled away… her expression haughty. “Not funny, bro.”

Luke’s eyes appeared enquiring. After he mentally replayed his words, he laughed. “Sorry. Not thinking. Didn’t mean anything. Truly, Honey. You saved my life, baby. That’s no laughing matter.” Serious now, as he stared into the warmth of her green dazzlers, his filled with warm adoration.

“Just to be truthful, I didn’t know it was you until you aimed your gun toward the car and the headlights revealed your face.”

“Okay, I get that, but Naz still had the drop on me. No matter who the person was, he would have killed them without a moment’s hesitation.”

“Yes. It’s what made me drive into him. Knowing he’d commit murder randomly was more disturbing than I can ever explain.” Honey’s serious eyes bore into his. “Luke, what sours a soul to the point where taking another’s life means less than nothing?”

He took her question seriously but had no answer other than the pat replies everyone used. Power, money, hate, revenge, thrill-seeking, a need to belong... who knew what drove that particular man to the dark side. How could one describe such emotion? Taking the easy way out, he said the one word she might accept. “Weakness… it’s easier to be bad than good, Honey. And that’s unfortunate. When folks reach a point where they’re faced with that choice, their life to then is what drives them to their karma.”

She nodded, accepting his truth. “How sad.” Shaking off the downer, wanting the mood to be happy because Luke had come home, she leaned forward and kissed his lips. Invitation accepted, Luke nuzzled her neck, softly pushing her wild hair aside to give him access.

“You smell wonderful.” The lighthearted words shifted the mood and she fell into sync.

Playfully, she replied with a touch of sarcasm. “I used your soap.”

He chuckled. “It’s your hair fragrance. And I love the curls. It reminds me of your sister, Katrina. Did I ever tell you that she was a huge influence for me? She wasn’t my teacher, but she taught at the same school I went to. One day, I’ll explain about her effect on my life.”

Loving the gentle cadence in his tone when he spoke about Katrina, Honey nodded. “Promise?”

“Promise. Soon. But now I have something more important on my mind.”

Pushing her groin into his, she whispered. “Not just on your mind.”

“Yeah, little Luke has a mind of his own.”

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