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“Hey girl, didn’t they seize yours?” He pointed at her phone.

“Sure. I always carry a fake one to these kinds of shindigs. It’s become like a rule for people to take away our phones, but I need to keep in touch with my nanny, make sure the kids are okay.”

“Good thinking. You figure I can borrow yours for a few minutes. I’d like to take a few shots of the place for prosperity.”

“Don’t tell me you have a scrapbook.” She laughed along with the grin he’d sent her way.

“So sue me. I like to remember special occasions.”

Handing him her property, she winked. “Take all you want cowboy. Just be sure to hide the evidence when you’re done.” She pointed into the van at the pocket behind the driver’s seat. “Slide it in there after you’re finished. I’m off to the food table before Matt calls us back.”

Luke quickly took face shots of the people he most wanted Dale to check into. Panning the rest of the group, he made sure to cover as many of the guests as possible from his hiding place behind the bushes. He forwarded all the images to both his and Dale’s phones, and then slipped it back into its hiding place.

Finished with the clandestine matters, he went over to his own truck where he quickly yanked off his shirt and took out the bucket of body cleansing cloths to refresh.

He didn’t see the woman until he heard her voice. “Oh baby, I knew you were pretty but my God, I do believe you’re even more gorgeous than I’d pictured.”

Tapping into his working persona, Luke laughed it off and realized his mistake when the inebriated model-like female took it as a come-on. Stepping into his space, she reached her hands up to caress his muscular chest, her face filled with approval. “Uh huh. As tanned and solid as I imagined you’d be.”

Stepping out of range, Luke quickly donned his shirt, looked up and saw Honey with her arms crossed, glaring at what to him was a shit show he didn’t want and never asked for.

“Honey. Thank Christ, you’re here. Did you… ahh, bring me that beer you promised?”

He could see her hesitation and prayed she’d understand he’d never asked to be approached by some weirdo lady out for a quickie. “No. I forgot. Actually, Matt sent me to tell you they wanted to start the last set. Of course, that’s when you’re ready.”

He tilted his head at her jibe, sending her a specific message to get real. When she smiled and relaxed, he backed off. Thrilled she’d provided him a way out of the mess he’d found himself in, he took his escape. Looking at the woman’s disappointment, his smile actually rang true. “Duty calls, sweetheart.” Pushing past Honey, he sent her a wink of gratitude and strode quickly to the stage.

The first song he gave the restless crowd was a number by Blake Shelton called ‘No Body’. Thankfully, everyone became animated again and the dance floor filled. He sought out Honey while singing the words to a line in the chorus – no body but yours. As if she heard the crooned message, she stopped and looked his way. Now he stared directly into her eyes. The next time those words came up in the song, he meant them with all his heart.

Message sent.

But was it received?

Chapter Forty

Honey heard the words and the way he sang them made everything in her body melt. Even the pissiness she’d felt earlier dissolved after seeing that indiscreet woman with her hands all over his body. The dumb blonde had no idea how close she’d come to getting drop-kicked right then and there.

Honey kept delivering her trays of drinks and food, constantly providing the scotch to those of the group who were still hanging around. The few that she’d considered the main bosses had disappeared along with Mrs. Jackson earlier so her duties had lightened.

As the revelers became drunker and sillier, the night progressed, and the musicians played a while past their contractual time. Eventually, the place cleared out and the few stragglers were either too drunk to dance or were in languid conversations with others.

Tiredly, she watched as Luke, Cissy and the boys packed up their equipment. The caterers had already begun gathering their glasses, platters, and leftover food, and cleaning up the messes left everywhere. She helped them put the boxes in their vans.

Melanie who’d been kept busy behind the buffet for most of the night came over, looking particularly haggard. “I’m done, Honey. You ready?”

“Yeah, we just have to retrieve the extra stuff we left in the office. You get off your feet. I’ll help the others.”

She made her way to the office, deciding the other workers were ahead of her. Without thinking, she opened the door to the worst imaginable scene. The body of a man lying in a pool of blood first caught her attention, but it was the rage-filled face of Lori Jackson holding the weapon who had her turning to escape.

Before she could react, she was grabbed from behind and harsh words iced her fear and stopped her screams. “Not a sound or you’re next.”


Luke took a last look around the stage to be sure they had all their gear. He called one of the security guards over. “Where do we collect our phones?”

“They held onto most of the guests’ belongings at the gatehouse, but we confiscated the band’s phones inside. I’ll go grab them for you. By the way, dude, your performance was dope tonight. I’ll be bringing my girlfriend to Nudies soon. She’ll love your music.”

Five minutes later, Luke had his phone and saw there had been a bunch of messages… all from Dale and in code. He’d let Luke know that the shipment would be arriving in the early hours. They had it covered, but if he wanted in, he had to meet up in time to join the task force. The last message curdled his blood. Someone was shot in Mrs. Jackson’s office a little while ago… figure it’s a man. We think one of her security pissed her off. Things are heating up. They must have found the com as everything’s gone quiet. Call me asap.

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