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Luke and the band arrived at the Jackson house early to set up the instruments and sound system on the stage in the garden. Cissy had outdone herself tonight with an outfit so western, the silver fringes on her dress and matching boots glittered in the strings of lights strategically placed all around their platform. With flowers and trees encircling the raised stand all loaded with lit bulbs, it fit in well with the decorations for the rest of the yard.

Cissy closed in on Luke, excitement written on her face. “Lordy, dude, have you ever seen so many colors? Between the flowering vines and the colorful potted plants everywhere, it’s like a movie setting.”

“It’s called money, Doll Face.”

She laughed at the same nickname an old geezer had called her the night before. Bouncing away, she went to help set up her microphone, giving Matt room to sidle up next. “You good with the routine we worked out, Luke?”

“The song choices?”


“Sure. Whatever you think. I’m easy.”

“I don’t know why you keep saying that. You trying to convince me or yourself?”

Luke laughed, feeling in a good mood for some strange reason. Probably hoping that tonight’s move might bring a quick ending to the case, and he could get back to being himself. Before he could answer, Matt nodded toward an obvious bouncer-looking dude. “Look at the way that bozo is strutting around. He’s got a punchable face if I’ve ever seen one.”

Surprised by the normally easy-going musician’s edginess, Luke spoke low. “What’d he do to you?”

“Idiot stopped us at the gate and gave us a hard time, called the van a piece of hippie shit and told us to park it in the bushes so the other guests wouldn’t see it.”

Thinking of the multi-colored, old microbus, Luke hid a grin. “Asshole doesn’t know vintage when he sees it.”

Matt grinned. “See. I knew you’d get it. We’re gonna have fun tonight bro, see if we don’t?”

Before Luke could answer, he noticed one of the waitresses setting glasses up on a special mini bar, and his heart soared into his stomach. “Yeah, man. I believe you’re right.” His tone had Matt’s eyes swiveling to him and next to where Luke’s gaze followed the beautiful server. Recognizing Honey, he smiled and left Luke alone.

Luke’s eyes drilled the girl while she picked up a tray filled with flower arrangements to set on each table for the coming guests. He stepped down from the stage and headed in her direction.

As he got closer, he saw that like the other waitresses, she wore a blousy white shirt tucked into a snug black skirt and high heeled boots that made her gorgeous legs look even longer.

She’d gathered her gorgeous hair up to sit in a twist on the top of her head, but escaping curls hugged her face, giving her the gamine look of a child. Once in front of her, any ideas of her being a child evaporated. This beauty was all woman.

Because he stood in her way, it forced her to stop, look up, and see him there. Her eyes gave away her pleasure and then her closing lids hid the truth. Rather than wasting time with a greeting, he got straight to the point. “You never told me you worked for a caterer?”

Taken aback, she answered quickly. “You never asked. In fact, you’ve never stuck around long enough for us to talk about much, have you?”

“You’re mad at me.” He didn’t ask it like a question because he could tell by the inflamed sparks aimed his way. Trying to lighten the mood, he grinned mischievously. “Give me a chance, Honey. I’ll get to that. I promise.”

His words had the affect he’d hoped for. She leaned into him, but her hard voice had him on guard. “When?”

“Soon.” His hand reached to touch and pulled back at the last minute. If he felt her skin, he might not be able to step away, and tonight he had to keep things together.

Suddenly, Mel appeared and gave him a searching glance. One he met and held. Then he winked and she grinned. Message passed and received. “You both seem to know what you’re doing? Worked gigs like this before?”

“Sure. It’s what got us through Uni.” Mel turned to Honey. “We’ve been given permission to store the excess alcohol in her office. Come… give me a hand.”

Luke’s ears perked up, and his nerves suddenly came alive. “Hey, I’ve got a few minutes before we need to start playing. Let me help you.”

“Thanks.” Both girls accepted his gesture without a thought.


Back in the garden, Mel pulled away leaving him with Honey for a few more minutes. The guests were starting to arrive, and she seemed anxious to get back to her chores, yet he hated to let her go.

Then a voice at his elbow had him understanding her sudden anxiety to leave. Without another word, she turned away, abandoning him to the woman who insisted on his complete attention.

Apparently, this female expected deference, but Luke had never fawned over another and wouldn’t begin now. Recognizing that her flowing gown cost more than a Taylor Swift show ticket, he shrugged. Her auburn hair streamed over her shoulders in such a way that one knew it was lacquered in place so the breeze wouldn’t be affecting it. The low-cut silver satin outfit she’d chosen could be considered risqué on anyone else, but this full-breasted woman pulled it off perfectly. Same with the fancy boots she wore to match. She knew she looked good and… she did.

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