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Linda had said that Luke knew Hamilton well, but Honey had a weird feeling that Luke wouldn’t be open to her secret investigation or questioning of the old man. She needed a way to get to him on her own.

While she puttered the day away, her poor brain came up with and discarded a lot of options, but she pretty much crushed them all. Frustrated, she decided to leave it alone. Let the police do their job. And talking about jobs, she needed to find summer work or the next six weeks would be unbearable.

With her head a million miles away, she didn’t notice the person moving behind her. “Mom. You startled me.”

“You were so deep in your thoughts; you didn’t hear me call out to you. There’s two people at the front door asking to talk with you. The girl says you’re her teacher.”

“Hmm. That’s weird. I didn’t think my students would know this address. I’m coming.” She rose, followed her mom into the hallway, and came to a halting stop. Instinctively, she pulled her mother behind her before asking, “What are you doing here, Tansy?”

The older woman answered. “Please, Miss Bolder, may we come in and speak with you?”

Tansy’s lowered head rose, and her eyes held an unaccustomed imploring gaze. The girl appeared earnest, making Honey hesitate.

As if her mother felt embarrassed at the way her daughter was treating their guests, she stepped around Honey and waved the two at the door to come inside her home. “Of course you may enter. In fact, I was just putting on some coffee if you’d like a cup.” She looked pleasantly from face to face, changing to a glare when it rested on Honey.

Kicking in, Honey shook off her hesitation and gestured the two toward the living room. “Sure. Come this way. It’s cooler in here with the overhead fan.”

As she passed by Honey, the older woman stopped and held out her hand. “I’m not sure if you remember me from the trial. I’m Tansy’s mother, Carol.”

“I do remember you. How are you Mrs. Bitmore?” Honey fell into the old routine of greeting someone not seen for a long time. Then she swiveled to the girl who appeared nervous. “And Tansy, what can I do for you?”

Once they all sat down, Tansy next to her mother on the leather sofa with Honey across on a matching chair, Carol opened the discussion.

“Tansy and I have been talking. She feels she owes you an apology. Probably more than one.”

Honey turned to see the young girl fidgeting with her nails. Her head lowered while letting her mom talk.

Honey decided that if this was to be the real deal, Tansy needed to take the floor. No way would Honey spill the beans in front of Tansy’s mom about her suspicions over what had recently happened. It’s not that she wouldn’t have held Tansy accountable but having her mother listening created a whole new set of problems. She refused to out the girl in front Carol.

“Miss Honey – I mean Miss Bolder; I told Mom everything. She knows all about what I’ve done.”


“Yes. The truth.” Tansy’s eyes filled, which in itself left Honey reeling. This tough teenager had never shown weakness during any of their earlier altercations, and there had been many. To see this reaction had Honey stumbling over her response.

“Okay. That’s good. I’m glad, but what does it have to do with me?”

Carol watched Tansy, waiting for the girl to speak. Finally, Tansy cleared her throat, making her voice sound scratchy. “I’m here to tell you I’m sorry. For what happened to you the night we attacked you. And especially for coming to your mother’s home to hurt her.”

Honey answered in her teacher mode. “But you didn’t… hurt her. Because your friend OD’d.”

“Yes. But that’s my fault too. I bought her the drugs that killed her.” Tansy’s voice cracked when she made this statement.

“Did you know those drugs were laced with Fentanyl?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then why aren’t you dead?”

“I didn’t take any. I don’t do a lot of drugs.”

“No, you function on hate. That’s much more addictive.”

The silence was deadly. The only sound that could be heard came from the kitchen where her mother puttered to make her guests coffee.

Honey watched for a reaction from the young girl in front of her, knowing she’d hit hard but also knowing the truth needed to be spoken or this whole meeting would be useless.

Tansy’s ultimate sob of acceptance broke the silence. Her mother reached out with protective arms wanting to heal… but Tansy shifted away. Instead, she glared at Honey.

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