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“Stay out of this… Honey. That bitch was making goopy faces at my boyfriend. We don’t take kindly to that shit.”

Not putting up with the sarcasm, Honey corrected the little witch. “It’s Miss Bolder, and I don’t give a good goddamn if she slept with your guy, you’ve got no right to beat on her with three others. That’s total BS and you know it. I’m citing you for this. Go to the principal’s office and wait there for me.”

The smug arrogant miss in front of her just laughed. Shaking her head, she stood her ground. “Not that simple, Miss Honey. I got a right to defend myself, and this girl started it. There’s witnesses.”

Again with the Honey. Jesus, sometimes a person just couldn’t get through the idiotic, thick skulls of the teens today.

Honey scowled. Her eyes glowered until Tansy looked away. Then she spoke in her best teacher’s voice, dripping sarcasm. “Right. Victoria started it. Sure she did. All alone, she decides to take on three of you by herself. Give me a break.”

Pointing at the crowd, Tansy Bitmore sneered while daring Honey to argue. “Ask anyone. They’ll tell you. We didn’t do nothing.”

“You want me to believe that Victoria got those bruises and cuts on her face all by herself. That’s insane. Go! Now! Get to the principal’s office or don’t any of you bother coming back to school. I’ll be calling all your parents.”

Suddenly, the show-off got a nasty look on her face and stabbed her finger into Honey’s chest. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Just let it go. You hear?”

In seconds, Honey had the girl’s finger in her hand and was twisting it so that Tansy had to bow down to keep the pressure off.

“Don’t you ever point your finger at me again. And you’ll do as you’re told or leave.” Pushing the girl away, Honey turned her back and crouched beside the girl still in a fetal position on the ground.

Before she knew what would happen, the sudden gasps of the crowd alerted her, and she swiveled in time for the knife to swing through the air rather than into her back. Now she was pissed. But before she could retaliate, the guard appeared and took over. He restrained a furious Tansy, and it took all his strength.

“You’ll pay for this. I’ll get you both, see if I don’t.”

Wrenching her in front of him, the guard spoke harshly. “Enough with the threats. Just shut up, Tansy. Miss Bolder can press charges against you for attempted murder for Lord’s sake. I saw the whole thing and trust me… I’d be happy to testify.”

He crab-walked the struggling girl in front of him toward the school while the others in the crowd quickly dispersed.

Crouching again beside the lifeless girl, Honey brushed the oily hair away from her face. “Victoria, you okay?”

Shrugging off her hand the girl answered. “Why did you have to get involved? I would have been fine. Eventually, they get bored picking on me and leave me alone. Now, I’ll really be in for it. They’ll blame me for your interference.”

Struggling to get to her feet, Victoria went to walk away but Honey stopped her. “It’s not right what they did, Victoria. In fact, it’s against the law. You were brutally attacked; you could press charges.”

Victoria swung her way. “You gonna? Press charges? Yeah that’s what I thought. No one ever does. And they just get away with it. If a person does say anything, they’re the ones who suffer. Trust me, I know.”

“Not if we stick together. You want me to press charges, I will.”

Victoria lifted her face and stared into Honey’s, her swollen eye beginning to fill with more blood, looking worse than it had earlier. “You trying to make my life even more of a living hell than it already is?”

“I know it’s not my place to ask but I’m going to anyway. Why didn’t any of your friends stick up for you? Not everyone in the school is afraid of those girls.”

“The mean girls. The ones who don’t get mad… they get even. Doesn’t matter if a person is guilty or not. I never looked at her stupid boyfriend. He’s a loser just like the rest of them. But there’s no telling them the truth when they don’t care. They just wanted a rumble, and I was today’s victim.” She turned away but then swung back to add, “When there’s a fight, I don’t have any friends.”

“You’re telling me this happens a lot?”

“Fuck, Miss Bolder. Wake up.”

Shocked by Victoria’s language but unwilling to say anything, she tried to smooth the situation. “Right. Okay. We’ll talk again. Let’s get you into the nurse’s office. Then I’ll go and deal with this mess.”

Chapter Two

“You want me to do what?” Lucifer Stone shot from the chair he’d been lounging in.

His boss, Special Agent in Charge, Bill Flint, ignored his reaction. “Don’t overreact, Luke. I know for a fact that you used to belong to a band. That back in the day you sang in a lot of bars in Nashville. And that you were bloody good at it too.”

Luke drilled his boss with cold eyes. The chip on his shoulder firmly in place as he spoke low. “I did what I had to do to get out of the ghetto.”

“Yeah, a lot of us had it rough.” Bill’s thin eyebrows raised… his only expression in a deadpan face that seldom showed any emotion.

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