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She pointed to an area across the field. “I can’t go back. There’ll be cops all over by now. I just need a ride out of here. I thought Wendi might come.”

“Yeah. Well, I’m here now so I’ll drive you home. But first, I’m going to walk past and see what’s happening. You go wait in the truck and keep down.”

Luke pulled up his hood and began sauntering along as if he were just a man out for a stroll. When he came close to where all the action was, he waited in the background of the gathering crowd and was there to see Mel pull up with Honey in the passenger seat.

The woman who’d been talking to one of the many officers, began crying and waving her hands, gesturing for Honey to go to her. “Thank God you’re okay, Honey. I was terrified that maybe those horrible girls had gotten to you also. Bernie scared one of them off with his bat, but this poor girl… Oh, Honey, she’s dead.”

Mel approached, her strident voice loud enough for Luke to make out her words. “What do you mean, she’s dead?” Mel pushed away from the officer trying to hold her back and moved behind Honey. “Is it Tansy?”

The cop next to Honey’s mother broke in. “Who’s Tansy?”

Mel answered before anyone else could. “She’s the one who sent harassing messages saying she was coming to get revenge.”

“Okay, miss. You need to come with me. We have a lot more questions.”

“Hey, I’m not the person they were getting back at. This is Honey Bolder and that woman’s her mom. Honey just got out of the hospital after being attacked. During the struggle, Honey used her pepper spray on one of the assailants. Afterward, the brat swore she’d get revenge on Honey’s mother.”

One of the cops pointed to the body and lifted the edge of the cloth covering her face. “Is this the girl you’re talking about?”

Both Honey and Mel answered at the same time. “No. No, it isn’t.”

As if fearing Tansy would still be close, Honey lifted her face to stare out into the crowd. That’s when her gaze caught Luke’s a second before he could turn away.

Her finger rose as if to point, but he left so he had no idea what she intended.

Christ. Why the fuck had he stuck around? Now he’d be in worse trouble. And with the one woman whose opinion of him meant everything.


Driving Tansy, he had to force himself to answer her questions.

“What happened? Is she dead? The cops were there, right? Oh, God. What’s going to happen to me? I can’t go home like this. Wait, they have no idea I was there too. I could say I was with you tonight… you and Wendi. I’d have an alibi. What do you think?”

“Me? I think if your name is Tansy that you’re screwed. Maybe you weren’t paying attention, but they had a camera on the house pointing at the door where you were standing. They know everything.”

“Hold it, where are you taking me?”

“To the motel where Wendi has a room. You can stay there for the night but tomorrow, you’re on your own. Don’t tell them I was anywhere near you cause I’ll swear I dropped Wendi off and left. Which I did. You want an alibi; you talk to her. But my guess is she’s not believable to the cops. Plus, she’s too far gone to really be able to help herself never mind taking you on.”

“Oh, God, I’m in a lot of trouble aren’t I?”

Luke pulled over. “Yep. Listen, a block further that way, there’s a place called the Madrona. My guess is that she’s out cold in room 204 on the second floor.” He handed her his key. “Look, kid, if you were my sister, I’d tell you this. Give yourself up. There’s a good chance they’ll find you because it’s impossible to get along on your own unless you hit the skids. And for a looker like you, it’s just a matter of time before you’re either being pimped out to every vacationing asshole and skid row bum… or the drugs kill you.”

Tansy sat hugging the corner. Her body trembled so much that Luke almost felt sorry for her. Until he remembered Honey’s face. Then he let the anger back in.

His voice harsh, he said. “Now… get the fuck out of my truck.”

Chapter Twenty-five

Honey blinked more than once after seeing who she felt sure was Luke in the crowd. She’d almost started toward him except that whoever it was had turned away so fast that she thought she’d been mistaken. But it rattled her until she pushed it from her mind and concentrated on the questions being drilled at her.

By the time the police had everything they needed, Honey knew the torture a twisted conscience went through. “I’m so sorry Mom, bringing this kind of trouble to you.”

“Don’t worry, Honey. Bernie was here to help. He thinks he scared off the other girl, but to tell the truth, I figure when her friend dropped, that made her run.”

Mel, who’s head was resting on her arms on the table looked up. “So, Bernie spent the night with you? For shame, Anita.” Her teasing voice broke the tension, and while Anita flushed, Honey giggled. “Mom, you’re old enough to have sleepovers. Just make sure to take precautions.”

This statement had Melanie breaking into peals of laughter, but her mother held back, her pretend shock obviously put on.

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