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“You meant to say… a few of the nerds. Most just put in their time and give no effort at all.” Melanie’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“You’re still mad about Victoria. She hasn’t come around?”

“Not even a little. That girl’s smart… always did well in school, and then this year it’s like she became another person.”

“It’s been noticeable.” Honey’s shoulders slumped. “I’ve tried to get through to her too, but she just shuts me down. Lately, she’s come to school with bruises more than once. When I asked her about it, she had these long explanations for some weird accident. The first time, I believed her, but lately, it’s been suspect. I’m thinking she’s covering something up. If I didn’t know her parents and how much they cared about her, I’d be pushing it further.”

“I know, right? Now, she’s taken to wearing all these huge sweaters and long pants in the middle of summer. What worries me more is how glued she’s become to her phone. I’ve caught her crying while she was scrolling the posts on Instagram. When I asked her if there was a problem, she pasted a smile on her face and said everything was fine.” Mel looked at Honey. “How can we help her if she doesn’t reach out or at least meet us halfway when we try?”

Honey’s lips tightened before she added, “I’ve been watching some of the horrible garbage the kids have been putting on social media. It’s depressing… downright bloody harassment. I’ve had to speak to more than one parent just this week. Don’t know what’s prompting this bullying but I sure wish these people would step up and control their kids online.”

Once they arrived at the teacher’s room, their chat got put on hold so they could greet the others. Soon, Honey became involved in a discussion with the coach enquiring about her activities.

“How are you enjoying the jujitsu classes, Honey?”

“Not sure I’d say enjoying is the right term. It takes me days to recuperate. Then I’ve got karate to beat me up all over again. I can’t believe I let you talk me into doing both classes this year.”

“Honey, you’re in such good shape that it’s a shame for you not to be trained. I can already see the difference in your muscle tone.”

Honey secretly agreed with that remark. She’d seen a difference herself, and truth to tell, she felt a hell of a lot better than she had in years. Turns out, she had an aptitude for martial arts and quick reflexes which always kept her ahead of the others. Plus it got her out of the house and away from her mom a few evenings a week.

Soon, they were interrupted by the sounds of the students crowding into the hallways and the confusion marked the beginning of another workday.

It was during her second history period that Fred arrived to speak to her. He motioned her to the door. “Honey, a Detective Lansdale called and wants you to go into the station.”

Stunned, Honey questioned him. “Why? Did he say? Is it my mom?”

“All the message said was that you should ask for him.”

Honey spoke her thoughts out loud. “He’s the detective that took over my sister’s case.”

“Your sister? Katrina? Wasn’t she killed years ago?”

“Yes.” She looked into his kind face, and before she could ask to be excused, he beat her to it. “Go. I’ll take over this class and if need be, I can call in a substitute for the rest of the day.”

Honey almost hugged the man. “Thanks Fred. I’ll try and get back later and if not… tomorrow for sure.”

“Just let me know.”


Honey stumbled out of the precinct, her tears flowing freely now. She’d kept it together throughout the update with the detective in her sister’s case but as soon as she gained the sanctity of her car, she let loose.

When her sister died, Honey had only been ten. Yet she’d hounded her parents to get answers for why her sister had been killed. They’d always been so evasive that she’d never been able to let it go.

When she became older, she’d go to the precinct herself every so many months and question them about what they’d done in the case… scared if she dropped it, they would too.

The thought of Katrina’s death being stuck in a cold case file with no one caring didn’t sit right. Though her parents had moved on, she just couldn’t.

Suddenly, being called into the police station, she’d fretted about the summons the whole way… turns out she was right. Shock awaited and she wasn’t sure how to deal with it. They had new evidence to share, evidence that shook her to her core.

They now knew that one of her mother’s former students had been the perpetrator. He’d been jailed eight years ago for rape and second-degree murder of another woman and recently found out he was dying from a rare form of terminal pancreatic cancer. Before he’d succumbed, he’d begged for forgiveness and told his doctor that he and another fellow had been responsible for Katrina’s death. Unfortunately, he’d refused to name the other killer.

Honey knew that her beautiful sister didn’t deserve to die the way she had… brutalized and left to bleed out in a dark alley behind her apartment building… that is until the confession of a dying man changed things.

Not sure of how this new information would be handled, she asked the aging detective, “This is a good lead, right? Can you find out the names of the people he ran with back then? Maybe learn the identity of the other killer?”

“We’re already on it. Seems the boys he knew are scattered all over the state. But the most likely culprit is a musician.”

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