Page 34 of Protector

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Not gonna lie. That’s a very Jeannie thing to do. Ask Lorelei. Ask Fallon.

Ask the Luna.

I reach out, clutching his shoulders. “I thought…”

“It’s okay, Jeannie.”

It’s not. For three months, I wanted to believe I couldn’t stand this male. I knew it wasn’t true, but I did honestly believe he wanted nothing to do with me. And now he’s telling me that I got it all wrong, that I wasted so much time?

Well, screw that. I’m not wasting anymore.

I rise up to my knees, moving before he has any idea what I’m going to do. Folding my legs around him, dropping down to his lap, I throw my arms over his shoulder before taking his mouth with mine.

It’s like that first night all over. All I had to do was give him an opening, some sign that I would welcome him, and my Beta runs with it. One hand goes to my lower back, the other to my tangled hair, and the next thing I know, he’s devouring me.

Maybe he tastes like worms. Maybe not. To me, he tastes like my mate, and I let him kiss me until he pulls away with a jagged gasp, resting his forehead against mine.

Breathlessly, he says, “I thought you weren’t going to kiss me.”

I shrug. “You complaining?.”

“Oh, my mate. I’d be a fool to complain about that.” He moves his head just enough to press a kiss to the shell of my ear. “And I might be an idiot, but I’m not a fool.”

“And I’m not your mate.”



He goes absolutely still. “What did you say?”

I should make him sweat, but I can’t bring myself to do that. Regardless of who’s really to blame for the last three months, we’re both really at fault. If he’d talked to me, or I got off my high horse and tried again, we could’ve been together all this time instead of silently suffering.

This is my chance. I’m going to be vulnerable again, offer myself up to him, and if he decides I’m not what he wants… then fine. That’s it. I tried, but now that I know how he really feels… I have to take this chance.

I use my claw to tickle the patch of skin between his nipples. A golden-furred wolf, like most shifters he’s pretty hairless in his human form, though I feel a few soft strands of chest hair that were too light for me to ever notice before.

“Mates mate, Tristan. And you.. me… we haven’t done that yet, have we?”

The rush of relief pouring off of him is only replaced by the renewed lust as he realizes what it is I actually meant.

He drops his head, using his fangs to trail along the length of my right shoulder as he whispers, “No. We haven’t. Yet.”

“I mean… if you want to call me your mate, shouldn’t we do that first?” With his lips kissing my shoulder, I press mine to his temple before murmuring in his ear, “Shouldn’t we fuck?”

“Luna yes,” he breathes out.

That’s just what I was hoping to hear—and exactly why I climb up off of his lap.

He reaches for me, but I’m already gone.

“Jeannie… come back here.”

The dominance in his voice goes straight to my pussy. Lifting my hands, I cup my tits. They’re heavy and sensitive, and I’m suddenly viscerally aware that I’m naked, he’s naked, and from the way he’s risen up to a crouch, his erection bobbing against his inner thigh, this male is seconds away from pouncing on me.

I hold up one finger, hoping he can see me in the darkness. Then, giving him my back, knowing he would never jump me from behind—unless he wants to find out what it’s like to get claws to the crotch like Claude did—I lower myself to my knees.

Falling forward, I land on my hands. Only then, when I’m on all fours, do I turn to look over my shoulder at my intended mate.

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