Page 13 of Predator

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A real honest-to-God human squeal, too.

Lucas is ready to follow right behind me. He’s breathing heavily, though he’s barely broken a sweat. Not from lifting me up, carrying me around, fucking like a damn machine… oh, no. He’s panting because… because…

Because my stoic, grumpy shifter mate is showing me just how afraid he was that I was lost to him again—and as he thrusts into me again, bucking up so insistently, I don’t know where his cock ends and my pussy begins, I don’t see seat.

I see tears.

“I thought I lost you.” His big body shudders as he allows his climax to overtake him. He keeps up connected as he finishes, gasping out his release before he bows his body over mine, taking another kiss.

I dig my nails into his back again, clutching him to me.

Not gonna lie.

I thought I lost him, too.



What does it say about me that I don’t feel completely back to myself until I’ve been banged boneless?

That my lover is Lucas probably has a lot to do with it. As much as I’ve loved the connection you get with another person when you’re having sex, having this tie stretching between us turning into an undeniable bond leading from his soul to mine makes it a thousand times better.

All that hokey BS about two becoming one that my first ever boyfriend spouted to get me to give up my virginity to him senior year… I thought he was full of it, even though he did manage to talk me into fucking him in the backseat of his mom’s old car when we were hanging out one night. Now I almost feel like Kev deserves an apology. Because after last night, I finally know what he means.

This morning, I ache in all the right places. The cabin is small with shitty ventilation. Add that to my new super sniffer and I wake up to our lingering sex in the air, Lucas’s musk, and his scent marking every single inch of my skin.

I needed that. In a way, we truly claimed each other last night. And, yeah, I know that’s what we did out in the woods during the full moon. We finalized our bond and broke the curse when I fucked the beast, but though we knew that’s what we were doing, it wasn’t sex just because I loved Lucas and he’s the only guy I want to fuck for the rest of my life. Not like when I confronted him in the piano room, or the time he tried to do his wolfy proposal by making me a special dinner—that I naively refused because I didn’t really know better. I definitely made it up to him that night, inviting him into my bed where he stayed before slipping away.

He hasn’t gone anywhere now. In fact, the only way the two of us can get any closer is if he angled his hips just right, feed his cock back inside of me instead of leaving it nestled between my thighs.

We’re both naked, curled up on the couch. His body is a comforting weight pinning me in place, burning me up from the inside out. He was snoring earlier—big rasping snores that are probably what woke me up in the first place—but he’s settled into a steady breathing as though he’s finally found a little peace.

Ah, babe. Luc deserves it. If my wolf going the a little lost, a little feral the way I have was hell on me, it was murder on my poor mate. I can’t even imagine how hard it must’ve been for him, sensing my panic, trying to work me through something that should’ve been impossible while also dealing with seeing his mate slip through his grasp so soon after he finally claimed her.

What if I hadn’t come back? What if the shock of my first shift and the realization that I really am Jolie broke my brain so badly, I could never be Fallon again? To break Lucas Guidry’s heart twice… I don’t want to think about it.

So I don’t.

Instead, I shimmy out from under Lucas’s arm. Even in his sleep, he’s possessive, holding me so tightly that it takes a few seconds to escape him without waking him up.

He needs his rest. Even if it wasn’t for how I kept him up for most of the new moon, he barely slept the last two weeks. He’s an overprotective Alpha who is used to giving his packmates orders and having them jump to obey. It must have killed him to lose me so soon after we mated; worse because I was right there, but no matter what, he couldn’t get me to come back to him.

But he did. Whether it’s because he brought me to the alpha cabin, or my newfound shifter side isn’t as strong when the moon is gone, or my one-sided rivalry with Jade was just enough to bring me back around… it doesn’t matter. I’m not a wolf anymore.

Something’s different. Something’s changed. It’s not just the sensation that I’m two souls in one body. It’s like I’m three: Fallon, Jolie, and the blonde wolf. All of them belong to Lucas, though, and if only for this moment, that’s enough for me.

I’ll have to shift again, but on my own terms this time. Now that I know I can, it would be ridiculous to refuse to just because the full moon fucked me up so bad. As for Jolie… I’m not so sure how I’m going to deal with that. Ignoring it seems like my MO, and I managed to take control as me, but I can still sense her there, buried deep inside of me.

The dreams… the memories. Before I came out of the haze I was in as a wolf, I struggled to figure out what belonged to me, and what belonged to her.

As I climb to my feet, bending low to grab the afghan on the floor, I have the same sensation now as I look around the cabin.

When Lucas brought me here during the new moon, hoping that Luna and the cabin would be enough to trigger the change in me, I saw the cabin with two sets of eyes: mine and Jolie’s. We’d both been here before, we both had vivid memories of our time with Lucas here.

Jolie’s were more x-rated, and it doesn’t matter that Lucas is my mate and that I’m technically her. Call me a fucking hypocrite if you want, but it bothered the crap out of me, seeing Lucas with anyone else.

My memories revolved around the time Lucas rescued me from the witches, then both times I found the broken, twisted beast inside of these four walls. He told me to ‘run’ once, but my favorite memory is waking up on that same couch again, seeing the beast, knowing that Lucas saved me from Remy… and then convincing him that I was ready to make him mine.

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