Page 5 of Only You, Only Us

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“Becca, great to see you. And you have stock, I hope.”

“Of course.”

As they catch up, I look around the shop, eyeing up some of the more expensive pieces that Silvia makes, but settle on the friendship bracelets by the counter. They’re made of coloured leather straps dotted with etched and engraved silver beads. Pretty.

“See something you like, Anna?” Silvia asks.

“These are cool.”

“Popular, too. I’ve been selling them for years.” I’d never noticed before. “Here.” She takes off a brown strap with three different beads knotted around it and moves to fasten it around my wrist.

I love it instantly.

“How much, Silvia?” Mum asks from behind me.

“My gift. You can tell all your friends where you got it.” She nods at me and raises her eyebrows.

“Thank you.” I rock my wrist back and forth. It looks good against my pale skin.

I take a photo and send it to Sammy as soon as we’re outside the shop.


Want one?

She was always on at me to wear more of my mum’s stuff. Growing up around jewellery meant I wasn’t into it, but I loved the bracelet.


Um, yeah! Where did you get it?


The Silver Tree


One day, I’ll come with you, and you can show me all these places.

I don’t reply. She knows that the holiday is special to me and my mum. I’d go anywhere else with Sammy, but this place was just for us. But I made a note to go back and get a bracelet for Sammy.

We have to wait for a table at Molly’s, but that’s okay. We’re seated and order right away — two burgers loaded with everything, fries, one chocolate, and one strawberry milkshake.

We grin at each other like there’s a secret between us, and I guess there is.


“Yeah. Thanks, Mum.”

“So,” she starts and sits back in her seat. “What do you want to do this summer? Any trips? New beaches to explore?”

“Maybe. If the weather’s sunny, it would be good to go to some nice small coves. Hopefully, the sea will look that magical turquoise colour.” It was my favourite colour in the world — it represented summer to me. It was the same colour that reminded me of Jeremy.

Urghh. Not here. I shove the thought out of my mind.

“You’ve got it.” She smiles. “And what about your birthday?” She grabs my hands across the table and squeezes them. It will be my sixteenth next week.

“Whatever you want. A meal out?” I offer. “As long as there’s ice cream.”
