Page 17 of Only You, Only Us

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Chapter Five

Icould live off that kiss for days. Weeks.

It gave me life — like it kickstarted my heart, which, until now, had only been dormant. Waiting.

Jeremy infected every part of my consciousness, and I helplessly played the kiss over in my mind again and again, remembering the taste of him, what he wore, the smell around us, the slightly malty taste of beer, and the salty air tinged with smoke and fire. It all swirled in my mind, and it tattooed the image there for me to recall whenever I wanted.

By the time I’d crawled over the details with my mum, who was equally excited as I was, and then repeated the same with Sammy, I hoped I would fall asleep. But he was still front and centre, stopping me from drifting off.

Eventually, I must have drifted off, but Jeremy sneaks into my mind as I come around from the grogginess of too little sleep. I reach for my phone and stare at the screen. Even after our call last night, there are two new notifications from Sammy.

But nothing from Jeremy.

It doesn’t matter.

Then I remember what he said before the kiss — like the parts of the night leading up to that have faded into the background.

He’s off fishing somewhere, which sounds like the worst way to have fun on holiday. If we didn’t get reception on the beach, would he when he’s off fishing?

My fingers itch to message him.

But I at least make it down for breakfast before I break.

Mum has a knowing grin on her face like she is strangely proud and still excited for me. She’s made my favourite, crispy bacon, and I enjoy nibbling at the streaks with a mug of tea and a slice of thick toast.

After that, I can’t stop my fingers from tapping out the message. And so, what? He’s the one who kissed me. Three drafts later, I hit send before I re-drafted it again. It was a text message, not an essay.


I had fun last night.

Mercifully, his reply is quick.


Me too.

Now what?


Are you off fishing soon?

It’s lame, but it’s the only thing I can think of.


Yeah. Dad’s taking us on the boat. We’ll be out until late tomorrow.


Well, enjoy. I’m leaving Sat morning after breakfast at Molly’s.


Who’s Molly?

