Page 114 of Only You, Only Us

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“Maybe. I’m here to find out.” And that’s the truth. “You hurt me.”

“We hurt each other.”

I pull my feet up and cross my legs as I twist to face Jeremy. I reach for his face and turn it towards me so I can see him and look into his eyes. “Can we really do this?” My heart thunders, pounding in my chest as I say the words.

“Yes.” He takes my hand and threads our fingers together. “Yes. But if you choose me, you’ve got to choose Sophie, too. She doesn’t have anyone else. She rescued me, and I won’t abandon her.” His eyes don’t waver.

“I want to believe that out of all of this, we can find peace together, but even making this decision will cause pain.” My head drops, and I sigh, remembering my mum’s words.

“I never said anything would be easy. Nothing about us has been easy. But I know how I feel about you.” He lifts my chin and smiles. “You’re inked into my very soul; no time or tide can wash you away, and I want you around so we can spend the rest of our lives together, making up for all the time we lost.”

My eyes sting as the tears threaten. His words aren’t the problem. It’s believing in them and him. But I can’t just continue muddling through my life the way it is. Marty is right. And when I’m honest with myself, I want Jeremy. I always have.

“This has got to work, Jere.” I sniff.

He raises up onto his knees and pulls me with him, and his hands slide around my neck as he rests his forehead against mine.

“We’ll work. I adore you, Anna Rose.” The same words he said to me all those years ago force the tears to fall from my eyes. They held a promise once — of what was yet to come. And I believe them now as I did then.

There was more of us to come.



Two summers later

For so long, I’d avoided coming here. Originally, it was because it reminded me of the childhood I’d had to endure with my fake-up family. Then it was the place that haunted me — showing me everything I’d had and let go — or rather, screwed up.

Now, I can’t imagine giving it up or being anywhere else. It’s home, salvation, and I have everything I’ll ever need right here.

I watch out the window, waiting for Becca and Andy to arrive.

It had been a challenge for Anna to rebuild her relationship with her mum. She chose me over her, and not for the first time. Only this time, it was the right call. But there had been a huge amount of damage to repair with that decision.

Becca didn’t understand why, after all this time and all the hurt, there was anything between us to fight for. She couldn’t know that, for us, there won’t ever be anyone else. Call it fate, destiny, soul mates — whatever. All I know is that we are meant for each other. End of.

But slowly, and I think with a lot of help from Sophie, she’s come around.

Her trust in me may never be fully restored, but I can live with that as long as she and Anna are good. Becca was there for her when I wasn’t able to be. I owe her a lot, and I’ll do everything I can to help mend that over the rest of our lives.

Sometimes I can’t believe quite how much I fucked everything up just by doing what I thought was the right thing and letting Anna be free of me. At least, I thought it was the right thing in the beginning.

Their car pulls up onto the drive. “Sophie, Auntie Becca is here,” I call. Her little footsteps race through from her playroom to the door, and she kneels on the stool by the window next to me. I open the door, and she looks up at me. “Go on.” Her grin is all toothy and full of excitement as she goes to meet them as if her best friend just turned up.

Becca races towards Sophie and sweeps her up and into her arms. Sophie worships her, and Becca treasures her in return. Sophie has been my secret weapon to help smooth the transition of moving Becca’s daughter in with me down here in Cornwall — away from her and the safety she’s always offered.

“Hey, Becca. Andy,” I greet.

“Jeremy.” She’s polite but curt in her greeting. And I need to accept that it might never change.

“Will you come and play in my room, Auntie Bec?”

“Of course, I will, sweetheart.” Sophie leads her through, and I nod to Andy as he follows with the small weekend case.

“Upstairs?” he checks.

“All set up for you. I’ll be out on the deck with Anna. You know where everything is.”
