Page 108 of Only You, Only Us

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“I’m not the same person, Anna. But there’s only ever been you. That will never change. We’ll be at the house until Friday.” He backs away. “If you truly don’t have anything else to say to me, then I’ll leave. And on her life, I won’t bother you again. I swear.”

“Good. Leave. And never come back, you piece of shit,” Marty yells at him.

Jeremy stares at me as if nothing Marty says can upset him until Marty turns me around and pushes me towards the door, not giving me a chance or choice to answer him.

Chapter Thirty-One

This might be a bad idea. It might only push her away and seal my fate, but then, fuck it. At least then, I can say I’ve done everything I can.

I’m selfish when it comes to Anna. I always have been.

“Hey, Sophie, we’re going to meet a nice lady now.” I pick her up and hold her in my arms as I knock on the door. She wraps her little arms around my neck but then fusses and wriggles to get down after a few seconds.

“Down,” she says, straightening her body, making it hard for me to hold on to her.

“Okay, okay. Hold my hand.” She doesn’t. She goes to the flowerpot on the doorstep and looks like she’s about to grab the big daisy-like petals.

The door opens, and I pull Sophie back into my hold. “Um, hi. Is Becca home?” I ask the gentleman.

“She is. May I ask who’s calling?”

“I’m a friend of Anna’s.” He looks at me and Sophie, still wiggling and trying to get to the flowers, but he seems to believe me.

“Come in. You look like you have your hands full.”

“One hundred percent.” I follow him inside and into the living room.

Not much has changed — there’s a new sofa and paint on the walls, but beneath that, it’s the same — proper home, lived in and warm.

“Becca, you have a visitor,” he calls. I put Sophie down on the sofa, pass her the little bumblebee backpack, and open it for her packet of snacks.

Poppy had to give me a crash course in children. Emphasis on crash because I was clueless. But Sophie seemed to like me. Cling to me even. I’m waiting for her to get bored of me like a new toy and toss me aside when she realises I’m a shit consolation prize for losing her mum.

“We aren’t expecting—” Becca stops as she sees me.

For a moment, she’s silent.

“What are you doing here? You are not welcome. Andy, please show?—”

“Becca, wait. Please. I’d like to explain.”

“Explain what?” But she moves further towards me, and Sophie comes into view. She looks down at my little sister and then looks back at me and shakes her head as if not believing what she sees.

“She’s my sister. Before you jump to any conclusions.”

“Why are you here? Has Anna seen you? Does she know?” Genuine fear crosses her face as she starts asking questions. Sophie abandons her snacks, climbs off the sofa and clings to my leg as Becca approaches.

“Can we sit? Talk. I promise I’m not here to cause trouble.”

I pick up Sophie and sit down with her on my lap. She nestles into the crook of my arm and hides her face away for a moment before peering back out to spy at Becca.

Watching Sophie seems to disarm Becca, which was my intention all along. I don’t care if that makes me a bastard. I’m going to do everything I can to get Anna back.

Becca slides into the chair opposite us but doesn’t stop watching Sophie. There’s even a ghost of a smile on her lips as Sophie starts to squirm, reaching for her snacks again.

“I love Anna. I always have.”

“Well, you have a funny way of showing it,” she snaps.
