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Oh, this felt so good, so much better than the grief and the ache of impending loss she’d been mired in for the past couple of months. This was heaven and she wanted more of it.

She leaned into him, her fingers curling into the soft material of his T-shirt, shifting her hips against his in a blind attempt to get more of that bright, electric pleasure, and he made another deep growling sound in his throat.

He took his hands from her rear, but only to pull the T-shirt off her and discard it onto the floor. Then he ripped her bra off before dealing with his own T-shirt. She didn’t stop him—it didn’t even occur to her—gasping as he pulled her back for another deep, demanding kiss, her sensitive breasts pressing against his hard, bare chest.

The heat of him was astonishing. His skin felt smooth as oiled silk, with a sprinkle of crisp black hair, and she couldn’t stop touching him.

His mouth had made its way down the side of her neck and her head fell back as he found the tender hollow of her throat, his tongue tasting the beat of her quickening pulse. Chills were chasing themselves all over her body, jolts of white-hot electricity making her tremble. His hands slipped down her back and beneath her underwear again, kneading her, pressing her harder against his groin.

In the back of her mind, Elena could hear alarm bells ringing, warning her that this was a terrible idea, that letting grief and anger do her thinking for her was a mistake and life would only get more complicated if she did this with him—especially with him—not less.

But then he made another growling sound and there came a sharp pull and a tearing as he ripped her underwear clean off. His fingers slid through the damp curls between her thighs, fingertips touching her slick flesh, stroking her, sending an intense surge of pleasure through her. And she forgot completely why this was a bad idea, forgot why she was even here.

There was only him and his fingers touching her, gently, delicately, weaving threads of ecstasy through her and making her pant.

‘Atticus...’ Her voice had become husky and ragged. ‘Oh...please...’

He moved again, his hands gripping her hips, and then she was being lifted and carried to the low, comfortable-looking sofa and laid down on it. He ripped off his jeans and his underwear and then that magnificent body was over hers, settling between her thighs. His mouth was at her breasts, his tongue teasing one sensitive nipple before drawing it into the heat of his mouth and sucking hard.

Arrows of pleasure lanced through her and she closed her eyes, trembling as he transferred his attentions to her other breast. She threaded her fingers through his hair, the strands thick and silky against her skin, gasping as he began to work his way down her body, his hot mouth exploring, nipping and licking as he went.

Oh, God, he was going there, wasn’t he? He was going to taste her there. She should stop him, she really should, but she didn’t want to. She wanted him to keep going, to keep bringing her this blinding pleasure, because she wanted to lose herself in the moment. She didn’t want to think.

His strong hands were demanding as they pushed her thighs apart and then she felt his breath against her sensitive skin, his fingers pressing apart her sensitive flesh, baring her for the lick of his tongue.

An intense bolt of ecstasy burst through her as she felt him and she cried out, pushing herself up onto her elbows and looking down, because she wanted to see. She wanted to see what he was doing to her.

His dark head was between her spread thighs, his fingers on her pale skin, and then he glanced up at her, his black eyes full of a dark flame that made her tremble all over again. He looked hungry; he looked like a predator. He looked like a hunter having secured his kill and now he was going to feast. On her.

She couldn’t look away as he found the sensitive bud between her legs and teased it, nipping at her and licking. She groaned, her whole body shaking. And when his tongue pushed inside her, tasting her deeply, she screamed as the climax hit her in a white-hot burst.

Elena sagged back onto the sofa, shaking, her mind reeling from the force of it. She couldn’t think, every part of her felt deliciously sensitive and raw, as if the pleasure had hollowed her out, leaving nothing behind but a shell.

Dimly she heard him move and the sounds of a packet ripping, and then he was above her, that magnificent rock-hard body settling down on hers. And she found herself looking up into black eyes full of flames, all that dark, predatory hunger focused on her.

She couldn’t tear her gaze away as he positioned himself and then he was pushing into her, the unfamiliarity of the feeling making her groan. He was so big, she felt as if there wasn’t room for him and her as well, her breath catching in her throat. Sensitive flesh burned as it parted for him and another groan escaped her.

He pushed deeper, his hands sliding beneath her rear, cupping her, lifting her, tilting her hips so he could slide even deeper. ‘Elenitsa,’ he murmured, his deep voice roughened and full of heat, his gaze on hers. ‘Take me.’

And she did, her sex slick and ready for him, and there was no pain, only a feeling of fullness that made her pant. He waited for her to adjust, her hands pressed against his chest, and she was desperate for him to move. ‘Please,’ she gasped. ‘Please... Atticus.’

He must have known exactly what she meant, because he did, deep and slow at first, then getting faster.

More pleasure spread out inside her, along with a sense of rightness she didn’t understand, but didn’t question. Because it was him, and he was inside her, and she felt as if this was where he was always meant to be.

This myth become a man. Her saviour become her lover.

His beautiful face was taut and she could see her own pleasure reflected back in his eyes. He felt this too, she knew it deep in her soul.

‘Atticus.’ She touched his face gently, and then he moved harder, deeper, and the moment was gone, an urgent need replacing it.

His hands encouraged her to move with him so she did, matching his rhythm as if born to it, and the spiralling heat began to gather tighter and tighter.

She lifted her hands to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, and then she wrapped her thighs around his waist, lifting her hips. He made another of those deep, masculine growling sounds and lowered his head, taking her mouth, his kiss as hot and as raw as the movement of his sex within hers.

He moved faster, harder, and she gripped him tight, pleasure building, a pressure that was getting too intense to bear. And then just when she thought she couldn’t handle it another second, his hand moved and she felt his fingers slide down between her thighs, to where they were joined, and he slicked his finger over that sensitive bundle of nerves there.

And as if her body were his to command, the pressure fractured and shattered, and she was screaming his name, dimly aware of his own roar of release, as the sky fell down around her and covered her with light.

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