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“I second that,” Ethan chimes in, his eyes shining with mirth.

“She’s our heart,” Liam says simply, his gaze meeting mine across the table.

Maria nods slowly, her expression unreadable. But then a slow smile spreads across her face, and she reaches for her glass, raising it in a toast.

“Well then, boys, welcome to the family. And if you ever hurt her, just remember- I know people.”

We all laugh, the tension breaking, and my heart swells with love and gratitude for my amazing sister.

The rest of the evening passes in a blur of laughter and conversation, old stories and new memories blending together. And as I sit there, surrounded by the people I love most in the world, I feel fucking amazing.

As the night winds down and we say our goodnights, Maria pulls me aside.

“I’m so happy for you, Ava,” she says, her voice soft and sincere. “I can see how much you love them, and how much they love you. And that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

I pull her into a tight hug, my heart so full it feels like it might burst.

“Thank you,” I whisper, my voice strangled with emotion. “For everything. For being here, for accepting us, for loving me.”

“Always,” she murmurs back, squeezing me tightly. “No matter what.”

And as I climb the stairs to our bedroom that night, I know I am truly blessed. To have found not just one great love, but three. To have a sister who supports and understands me, no matter what. To have a life so full of joy and happiness, it takes my breath away.

I slip into bed next to my sleeping loves, their arms automatically reaching for me, pulling me close. And as I fall asleep, safe and warm in their embrace, I know I am exactly where I’m meant to be.

Home, in every sense of the word.


The sun is setting over the city skyline, painting the clouds in shades of pink and orange, as I stand on the balcony of our room. The breeze is cool against my skin, carrying with it the faint sweetness of blooming flowers from the gardens.

I take a deep breath, letting the air fill my lungs, and feel a sense of peace wash over me. It’s been five years since I moved in with Alex, Ethan, and Liam, and sometimes I still can’t believe this is my life. That I get to wake up every morning in the arms of the men I love, that I get to build a future with them by my side.

I hear the door slide open behind me, and then strong arms are wrapping around my waist, a familiar body pressing against my back. I lean into the embrace, my eyes fluttering closed as Liam’s lips brush against my neck.

“What are you thinking about, love?” he murmurs, his breath warm against my skin.

I smile, turning in his arms to face him. “Just how lucky I am,” I say softly, reaching up to cup his face in my hands. “How grateful I am for you, for our life together.”

His blue eyes shine with love and adoration, and he leans down to capture my lips in a tender kiss. I melt into him, my body molding to his as the kiss deepens, becomes more urgent.

We’re interrupted by a pointed cough, and I pull away to see Alex and Ethan standing in the doorway, matching smirks on their faces.

“Trying to keep our girl to yourself?” Ethan teases, his green eyes sparkling with mischief.

I laugh, untangling myself from Liam’s embrace and reaching for them. “Never,” I say, my voice low and sultry. “You know I need all of you.”

“Is that so?” Alex asks, his voice low and husky.

“Mm hmm,” I hum, pressing my body against his.

They join us on the balcony, their hands reaching for me, their lips finding my skin. I close my eyes, letting the sensations wash over me - the heat of their bodies, the scrape of stubble against my cheek, the overwhelming love and desire that flows between us.

It’s a dance we’ve perfected over the years, a give and take of pleasure and passion that never fails to leave me breathless and aching for more. And as we move together, our bodies in perfect sync, I feel the rest of the world fall away until there is nothing but this moment, this connection, this love that consumes us.

I moan loudly, wrapping my arm around Liam’s neck. We kiss, hard, deep and wet.

When I detach my mouth, I turn to Ethan and Alex and purr, “we haven’t been to Club Sin in a while.”
