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We all come hard, our bodies trembling with the force of our orgasms.

“Fuck,” Liam pants, his chest heaving.

“That was fucking… everything,” Alex groans, his body sagging against Ava’s.

“You’re amazing,” I murmur, my voice filled with awe.

“I love you,” Ava whispers, her voice thick with emotion. Her eyes, heavy with tired satiation.

We stay like that for a moment, basking in the afterglow. Ava leaking with our cum as we gently kiss and caress her. Bringing her down from her high. Barely out of the zone ourselves.

Then, slowly, we untangle, our bodies sticky with sweat and cum.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, baby doll,” Alex says, his voice soft.

“I’ll get a towel,” Liam offers, climbing off the bed.

“I’ll get some water,” I say, pressing a kiss to Ava’s forehead.

“Thank you,” she murmurs, her eyes fluttering closed.

We clean her up, and then we lie next to her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

Three Months Later - Ava

As we pull up to the huge mansion, my heart is racing with excitement and anticipation. This is it, the beginning of a new chapter in my life, a life I’ll be sharing with the three men who stole my heart so completely. In our new home. The house they had built especially for us.

The car comes to a stop, and Alex is immediately at my door, opening it for me with a smile that makes my knees weak. “Welcome home, baby,” he murmurs, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.

I step out of the car, my eyes wide as I take in the house. It’s even more breathtaking than I remember, with its towering columns, impeccable landscaping, and plenty of light spilling from the windows.

Ethan and Liam join us, their hands finding mine as we walk up the steps to the front door. The cool evening breeze whispers on my skin, carrying with it the scent of jasmine and honeysuckle from the nearby gardens.

As we step inside, I’m struck by the beauty of the space. The foyer is elegant, with gleaming marble floors and a staircase that leads up to the second floor. The air is filled with a soft, inviting scent, and I feel an immediate sense of warmth and comfort.

“Shall we give you the grand tour?” Liam asks in his deep voice, winking at me.

I nod, my voice trapped somewhere in my throat as I try to take it all in. They lead me through the house, pointing out the rooms and features, their voices filled with pride.

The living room is cozy and inviting, with plush couches and a fireplace that’s just begging to be curled up in front of. The kitchen is a chef’s dream, with state-of-the-art appliances and gleaming granite countertops. And the library… oh, the library. It’s a book lover’s paradise, with floor-to-ceiling shelves and a rolling ladder that makes me feel like Belle in ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

But it’s the bedroom that takes my breath away. It’s massive, with a giant, custom-sized bed that’s piled high with fluffy pillows and a luxurious comforter. The walls are a soothing shade of cream, and the plush carpet feels like a cloud under my feet.

“You like it?” Ethan asks in a soft voice.

“Like it?” I breathe, turning to face them. “I fucking love it. It’s perfect!”

I jump into his arms, wrapping my hands at the back of his neck and kiss him quick but hard on the mouth.

Their faces break into wide smiles, and Alex pulls me into his arms, his lips finding mine in a kiss that’s both tender and hot. “We wanted everything to be perfect for you,” he murmurs against my lips.

“It is,” I assure him, my hands sliding up his chest to rest on his pecs. “Everything is perfect.”

The closet is already filled with our clothes, and seeing my own hanging alongside theirs fills me with a sense of belonging I’ve never felt before.

As the last of our boxes are emptied, Ethan suggests we order in dinner, and we all agree. We settle on Chinese, and as we wait for the food to arrive, we curl up on the couch.

The food arrives, and we eat in comfortable silence, the only sounds the clink of chopsticks against plates and some background of jazz music. The food is delicious, but it’s the company that makes the meal special.
