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Ethan’s mouth finds my nipple, teasing and sucking until I’m gasping and writhing between them.

“You’re so fucking wet,” Liam groans, his fingers sliding through my slick heat.

“That’s because she wants our cocks,” Ethan says, his voice husky.

“I do,” I gasp, my body tense with need. “Please, fuck me.”

“Patience, little dove,” Alex murmurs, stroking my cheek.

“We’re going to make this so good for you,” Liam promises, his fingers slipping inside me.

I cry out, arching into his touch.

Alex and Ethan continue to kiss and caress me as Liam works me into a frenzy, his fingers thrusting in and out of me while his thumb rubs my clit.

I’m soon teetering on the edge of orgasm, my body wound tight with anticipation.

“Fuck me,” I beg, desperate for release.

“We will,” Alex says, his voice strained with his own need. “We’ll fill you up and make you scream.”

“Yes, please,” I gasp, my body trembling with desire.

Ethan and Liam exchange a look and then they’re guiding me over to the bed.

I lay back, spreading my legs wide.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” Liam breathes, his eyes raking over my body.

“And all fucking ours,” Ethan adds, running his hands down my sides.

“Ours,” Alex repeats, his gaze dark with lust.

They position themselves around me, their cocks hard and ready.

“Please,” I whimper, aching to be filled.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Alex says, stroking my cheek. “We’re going to give you what you need.”

Ethan and Liam each slide a finger inside me, stretching me open.

“Fuck,” I moan, the sensation almost too much to bear.

“That’s it,” Liam croons, his fingers pumping in and out of me.

“You’re so fucking tight,” Ethan growls, his own fingers sliding deeper inside me.

“I’m ready,” I gasp, desperate for more.

“You sure?” Alex asks, his cock twitching with anticipation.

“Yes,” I cry, my body throbbing with need.

The guys position themselves around me, their cocks hard and ready.

I’m surrounded by them, their muscled bodies pressing against mine, their hands roaming over my skin.

Alex guides his cock to my entrance and slowly pushes inside me, inch by glorious inch.
