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“Anything to please you, sir.”

Famous last words.

By the end of the day, I’ve been thoroughly ravished by all three of my men, in every nook and cranny of the office. The supply closet, the break room, even the fucking conference table. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to look at a stapler the same way again.

As I’m packing up to head home, my legs still wobbly and my panties officially out of commission, I can’t help but grin to myself. Sure, mixing business with pleasure is risky. And we’re probably breaking about a thousand HR rules.

But fuck it. Life’s too short to play it safe all the time. And with these three incredible, insatiable hunks? I’m ready to transgress the entire employee handbook.

Because let’s face it. Being bad has never felt so fucking good.


We’re back in our private room at Club Sin. But tonight the rules are different. Tonight we’re showing our girl the darker side of play…

We’ve talked things through, and it was actually Ava who asked if we were interested in taking things in an… edgier direction.

I thought my jaw was hitting the ground when she confessed she fantasizes about being humiliated, used, fucked like a play doll.

We were so all over that shit; we booked a reservation for the same fucking night.

* * *

I can sense Ava’s fear the moment I step into the room. It rolls off her in waves, mixing with the heady scent of her arousal. It’s intoxicating, a potent cocktail that has my cock hardening in my jeans.

I let my gaze rake over her, taking in the way she trembles between Ethan and Alex. Her hair is mussed, her lips swollen from their kisses. But it’s her eyes that draw me in. Those wide, innocent eyes that are filled with equal parts terror and desire.

“Starting the party without me, boys?” I ask, my voice a low drawl.

Ethan smirks, his hand still wrapped around her throat. “Just warming her up for you, brother.”

I step closer, reaching out to run a finger down her cheek. Ava flinches at my touch, a whimper escaping her lips. “P-please…”

Fuck, she’s playing her role so perfectly.

“Please what, little sub?” I ask, my finger trailing lower over the racing pulse in her throat. “Please let you go? Or please fuck you until you can’t remember your own name?”

She swallows hard, her eyes fluttering closed. “I… I don’t…”

“Shh,” I soothe, my hand wrapping around her throat, replacing Ethan’s. “Don’t think. Just feel.”

I lean in, brushing my lips against hers in a whisper of a kiss. Ava gasps, her mouth falling open in invitation. I take advantage, my tongue delving inside to taste her. She’s so fucking sweet, like honey and sin, and I know I’ll never get enough.

I kiss her deeply, ruthlessly, staking my claim. She melts against me, her body going pliant in surrender. I can feel Ethan and Alex watching us, their gazes heavy with lust.

I break the kiss, nipping at her lower lip. “On your knees, little dove.”

Her eyes fly open, a protest forming on her lips. But before she can voice it, Alex is there, his hand fisting in her hair, forcing her down. “You heard him, pet. On your fucking knees.”

Ava whimpers, but obeys, sinking to the floor at our feet. The sight of her there, so submissive and vulnerable, so fucking turned on, has my cock throbbing. I reach down, threading my fingers through her hair, tilting her face up to mine.

“Open your mouth,”

She hesitates, a glint of defiance flickering in her eyes. I tighten my grip, just shy of painful. “Open. Your fucking. Mouth.”

A shudder runs through her, and she complies, her lips parting. I smile, a dark, feral thing. “Good girl.”

I unzip my jeans, freeing my cock. It’s hard and heavy, the tip already glistening with precum. I rub it against her lips, smearing the salty fluid over the soft, pink flesh.
