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“Morning, gorgeous,” Ethan rumbles, nuzzling into my neck. His stubble rasps deliciously against my sensitive skin, sending shivers down my spine. “You snuck out on us.”

I grin at him in the mirror, tilting my head to the side to give him better access. “Sorry, handsome. Nature called. Didn’t want to wake you guys.”

He hums, his hands skimming up my sides to cup my breasts. “Mmm, well, we’re awake now. And ready for round… what are we on, again? I lost count.”

I giggle breathlessly, arching into his touch. “Honestly, I stopped counting after the third orgasm. You boys are insatiable.”

“Can you blame us?” He pinches my nipples lightly, drawing a gasp from my lips. “Look at you, all soft, sexy and freshly fucked. It’s enough to drive a man wild.”

I open my mouth to retort, but the words turn into a moan as he rolls my nipples between his fingers, sending sparks of pleasure zinging straight to my core. My knees go weak, and I sag against him, letting him support my weight.

“Starting without us?” Liam’s amused voice cuts through the haze of lust, making me jump. “Rude.”

I glance over to see him and Alex leaning against the doorframe, both gloriously naked and sporting matching looks of hunger and hardening cocks. My mouth goes dry at the sight, a fresh wave of desire crashing over me.

“Sorry boys,” I manage, my voice breathy. “Ethan here was just helping me, ah, freshen up.”

Alex raises an eyebrow, a wicked smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. “Is that so? Well, perhaps we should all join in. Make sure you’re thoroughly… refreshed.”

I gulp, my imagination conjuring all sorts of deliciously dirty scenarios. “I like the sound of that.”

Ethan chuckles, his breath hot against my ear. “Oh, baby girl. You have no idea what you’re in for.”

As it turns out, “freshening up” in Dom Speak apparently translates to “being worked over by six very talented hands until you’re a quivering, over-sensitized mess.” Not that I’m complaining. Fuck, I’d happily never leave this bathroom if it means being the center of these men’s attention.

By the time we finally emerge, I’m loose-limbed and languid, every inch of me humming with satisfaction. The guys are in a similar state, their eyes heavy-lidded and their smiles lazy. We tumble into the bed in a happy, post-coital heap, content to bask in the afterglow.

“So,” Liam says after a long moment. “Who’s up for some breakfast? I’m thinking pancakes, bacon, maybe some eggs…”

My stomach chooses that moment to let out a loud, angry growl, making everyone laugh.

“I think that’s a yes,” Alex chuckles, dropping a kiss on my shoulder. “Come on, let’s feed our girl.”

We untangle ourselves reluctantly and slip on enough clothes to be decent. Well, sort of decent. Ethan insists on me wearing nothing but his shirt, which barely skims the tops of my thighs. The possessive gleam in his eyes as he buttons me up makes me squirm with renewed desire.

Breakfast is a surprisingly domestic affair, all laughter and easy banter and stolen kisses over the kitchen island. It feels natural, comfortable, like we’ve been doing this for years instead of just hours.

As I watch my men move around each other with the ease of long familiarity, a warm, gooey feeling takes root in my chest. It’s more than just affection, more than just post-sex endorphins. It’s something deeper, something real, solid and lasting. Something that feels suspiciously like…


Oh shit.

Am I falling for them? All three of them? I mean, I knew I was attracted to them, knew I wanted them like crazy. But this feeling, this overwhelming tenderness… it’s new. And scary.

And fucking wonderful.

I take a moment to just bask in it, to let myself feel the depth of my blossoming emotions. Because for once in my life, I’m not afraid. I’m not holding back, second-guessing or waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I’m all in. Completely, irrevocably.

And it feels amazing.

“You okay there, Ava?” Alex’s voice breaks through my reverie. “You’re looking a little… dazed?”

I blink, focusing on his face. He’s watching me with a mix of concern and affection, his blue eyes soft.

“I’m perfect,” I assure him, a slow smile spreading across my face. “Just… really fucking happy.”
