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"I suppose, in a way, this expedition is me finally breaking free of all those constraints," she continues, her voice barely above a murmur. Those luminous eyes flick up, searing into me with unexpected intensity. "A way of proving to myself that I can not only survive outside the ivory tower, but thrive in a wild and unpredictable environment. Even if it means pushing beyond what's comfortable or familiar..."

Her words trail off, hanging in the air between us with a weight I can practically feel pressing against my ribs. The way she holds my stare, the slight parting of those soft lips, it all screams of the same primal hunger that's been simmering inside me ever since our first encounter.

I swallow hard, my palms growing damp against the worn fabric of my jeans. Christ, all I want is to reach across this meager distance and haul her against me, to crush those lush curves against my chest until there's no space left between us at all.

To show her all the wildness and freedom her pampered upbringing denied her until she's howling with ecstasy beneath the open sky like a true child of the mountains.

But just like that, the spell shatters as Rhylee blinks rapidly and glances away, clearing her throat and smoothing her hands over her thighs.

"In any case..." she murmurs haltingly, her voice slightly husky. "That's more than enough self-indulgent rambling for one evening. Tell me more about you.”

Her request gives me pause, a slight frown tugging at my mouth as I consider how to respond. Truth is, I rarely talk about myself with outsiders. Flatlanders just don't have the context to make any sense of we live out here, so I've always kept that side of my life private.

But as I gaze across the glowing embers into the depths of Rhylee’s eyes, I find the reluctance slipping away, bit by bit. An innate understanding lurks behind those warm, intelligent eyes. Like maybe this woman might be strong enough to bear witness to the truth of my existence, in a way few others ever could.

"My folks weren't too different from your own, I reckon," I start, bracing my elbows on my knees as I lean toward the fire's beckoning glow. "Had their own set of strict principles and beliefs about the way a body should live their life." A faint grin tugs at the corner of my mouth at the memories. "But let's just say my childhood idea of summer camp was a helluva lot different than yours."

Rhylee's lips quirk in a matching half-smile. "I can only imagine. Though I must admit, there's a strange sort of romantic notion to your lifestyle that I might've fantasized about from time to time."

"That a confession you dream of running off to join a tribe of wild mountain men, Doc?" I tease.

She flushes prettily, ducking her head on an embarrassed laugh. "Well, when you put it that way..."

A strange tension stretches between us, thick and electric, the same heady charge that's been slowly building all day. My hands clench reflexively against the sudden, visceral urge to reach out and trace those delicate features with my rough pads, to brush aside the loose tendril of hair tickling her flushed cheek.

But the moment passes when Rhylee lets out a sudden jaw-cracking yawn, shattering the heated spell. She blinks hard, one hand flying to her mouth in an embarrassed wince.

"Oh, it seems the rigors of the journey have finally caught up to me."

“Get some rest, Doc,” I tell her, stoking the fire with a branch. “We’re safe for now.”

She nods, already shimmying into the cozy confines of her sleeping bag.

My breath hitches at the brief glimpse of toned legs and soft curves as the firelight plays flickering shadows across her body. But Rhylee is either unaware or unfazed by my heated stare, merely snuggling deeper into the insulated bag with a contented sigh.

"Wake me at first light," she mumbles, already sounding half-asleep as she nestles against the plush bedroll. "I can't wait to begin setting up observation stations."

"You got it," I murmur, my voice lower and rougher as I fight to keep my eyes averted.

With one last lingering look at the peaceful picture she makes bathed in the ruddy glow, I force myself to turn over and settle on my own bedroll. But despite my solitary existence out here in the wild for so long, tonight, the quiet stillness and dancing shadows suddenly feel too empty, too devoid of warmth and comfort.

Because as much as I try to deny it, the truth is becoming more undeniable by the second—I'm hopelessly, utterly enraptured by this woman.

I know it's foolish, this sudden madness gripping me so fiercely. I've always been beholden only to the laws of survival. Any hint of weakness or attachment is a liability I can't afford, a shackle binding me to the trappings of human fragility.

And yet... as my eyes drift shut to the gentle cadence of Rhylee’s breaths, I find the resistance slowly slipping away. In this tranquil moment, with the woman who sets my blood thrumming slumbering peacefully beside me, the walls keeping the wildness contained start to crumble, piece by piece.

Chapter 5


The next evening, I can barely contain my giddiness as Tucker and I weave back toward our campsite through the dense pine forest. After today's groundbreaking field observations, every inch of my body is humming with adrenaline and exhilaration.

"Did you see the way that alpha male marked his territory?" I gush, practically skipping alongside Tucker's long, purposeful strides. "His roar was absolutely primal! I've never witnessed such raw, powerful behaviors firsthand before."

A gruff chuckle rumbles from the man beside me. "You're damn lucky he was just bellowing warnings, Doc. The big toms don't take kindly to having their space invaded."

I shoot him a mildly reproachful look but can't quite smother my grin. "We followed every safety protocol to the letter. You know I would never recklessly endanger myself or the subjects."
