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Every slick inch of me is claimed and possessed with each stroke of his thick length. My world narrows to this singular point of rapture, to the molten friction and delicious ache radiating from my core with each jarring impact.

Just when the swiftly building tension threatens to overwhelm me in another shattering climax, Tucker slows to an aching grind, his jaw clenching with visible strain.

"Not yet, gorgeous," he rasps, his voice tight and strained. “I want that ass in my hands when I come.”

He grips my hips, flipping me over onto my stomach. The couch cushions cushion my fall, and I gasp as he pulls me up onto my knees, my back arching as he positions himself behind me.

His hands skim over the curves of my ass, kneading and squeezing, before one hand trails down to grip his shaft, guiding it to my entrance. I bite my lip in anticipation, feeling the head of his cock press against me, teasing and probing until finally, he’s inside of me again, deeper than before.

My head falls forward with a moan, my hands clenching the cushions for support. Tucker's fingers dig into my hips as he sets a relentless pace, driving into me with a ferocity that leaves me breathless. Each thrust sends shockwaves of pleasure through me, and I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Tucker's breathing is ragged in my ear, his body slick with sweat as he pounds into me.

His hand slides around my hip, finding my clit and rubbing it in tight circles. His other hand grabs my ass, squeezing and kneading it as he continues to thrust into me. The combination of his cock filling me up and his fingers on my clit is almost too much to bear.

I start to thrust back against him, meeting him stroke for stroke. The sound of our bodies slapping together fills the room, mixing with our moans and groans of pleasure.

He leans forward, his chest pressing against my back as he whispers dirty words in my ear. “Does it feel good when I fuck you like this?”

"God, yes,” I pant, grinding against him. "You feel so good inside of me. Don't ever stop."

He moans at my response, and then his hand leaves my clit. I whimper at the loss of contact, but there’s sudden pressure against my ass, and his finger slowly slides inside. I gasp at the sudden invasion, my body tensing for a moment before relaxing into the sensation. Tucker's finger crooks inside of me, finding a spot that sends waves of pleasure crashing through me.

Tucker's fingers dig into my hip as he starts to fuck me harder, his cock hitting that perfect spot inside of me with every thrust. I can feel my orgasm building, and I know I'm close. Tucker must sense it, too, because he starts to move faster, his finger pressing deeper as I push back against him, my face against the cushion, my mouth open in a silent wail of desperate pleasure.

“Tucker,” I whimper, my hips moving in time with his as he works me toward another orgasm.

He chuckles darkly. "I can feel you getting close, baby," he says, his voice low and husky. "Are you ready to come for me again?"

I nod frantically, unable to form words as the pleasure builds and builds.

"That's it," he murmurs. "Come for me, baby."

I cry out as the orgasm hits me, my body shaking as I ride out the waves of pleasure. Tucker's hand leaves my ass, and I can feel him start to move faster, his own release building.

He grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back as he slams into me one final time, his cock pulsing inside of me as he comes. We both collapse onto the couch, our bodies slick with sweat and our breathing ragged.

He pulls out of me, and I feel the sudden emptiness, but he immediately wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. We lay there for a few moments, catching our breath and enjoying the afterglow of our lovemaking.

"Sweet Christ," he rumbles, his gaze finding mine with unmistakable approval. "You were made for this, weren't you?"

I can't resist the urge to tease him, arching one brow in a playful challenge. "You know, for a rugged mountain man, you sure have quite the way with words, Tucker Rhodes."

His deep laughter rumbles through the small cabin as he rolls to settle at my side in one fluid motion before gathering me against the solid wall of his chest. "Only you bring out the poet hidden under all this grisly man-fur."

"Oh, is that what you call this caveman look?" I tease, raking my fingers through the dense thatch of hair dusting his chest. "I thought you were just too lazy to shave."

"Watch it, woman," he growls without any real heat, capturing my lips in a searing kiss that leaves me dizzy and breathless. "You'll pay for that kind of insolence later, mark my words."

My pulse thunders at the dark promise laced in that rumbling baritone, a delicious shiver of anticipation chasing down my spine. But before I can formulate a suitable retort, Tucker's expression softens into something far more tender.

"In all seriousness, Rhylee..." His fingers trail along the delicate curve of my jaw with surprising gentleness. "I need you to know that what we've found together is more than just some fleeting primal attraction. You've become part of my life, my world, in a way I never imagined possible."

His words steal the very breath from my lungs, rendering me momentarily speechless. I can only gaze at this extraordinary man who has somehow awoken parts of me I never knew existed.

"You don't have to say it," he continues in that low, rasping tone that never fails to ignite that delicious liquid heat unfurling within me. "No matter what crazy adventures lie ahead, you're stuck with me now, Doc. For as long as you'll have this cantankerous mountain man by your side."

I pretend to consider for a moment, trailing my fingertips in a light, teasing path down the clenching ridges of his abdomen. "I don't know," I finally drawl. "I could probably be persuaded to keep you around for a little while longer..."

His deep laughter fills the cozy space around us as he rolls me beneath him once more, those blazing eyes glittering with naked affection and want. "In that case, Doc, allow me to make my case for being an indispensable part of this research team..."
