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"Please," I hear myself whimper, my nails scoring down the planes of his back. "I need—"

"I know what you need, darlin'," he purrs, his voice a gravel-rough caress against my fevered skin as his hands roam lower. "You’ve been driving me half-mad with hunger all day."

Under the water, one thick finger circles my clit in a teasing brush and then slides back toward my entrance. A desperate whine tears from my throat as it slips inside, crooking in just the right way to have me arching into his solid bulk. He chuckles darkly, his free hand banding around my nape to angle my mouth back to his in a devouring kiss.

My whimpers and cries are swallowed by his ravenous mouth as he works another finger inside, stretching me wide.

"That's it," he murmurs against my lips. "Let me hear those sweet sounds.”

He punctuates the words with a sharp thrust, burying his fingers to the last knuckle. My back arches, breasts crashing against the solid wall of his chest as a broken cry of rapture spills out.

"Tucker, please..." I pant, scrabbling at the flexing muscle of his shoulders and biceps as my release hovers maddeningly out of reach.

His eyes, dark and intense, hold mine as he thrusts his fingers in a relentless rhythm. "I got you, baby." His voice is a rough growl against the heated skin of my neck.

With a twist of his wrist, his thumb finds my clit, circling and stroking until my entire world whites out in a blinding rush of ecstasy. I shatter with a broken sob, convulsing around the thick stretch of his fingers as waves of shattering bliss crest over me again and again.

Tucker doesn't relent, prolonging the dizzying raptures with firm strokes until I'm a boneless, quivering mess in his arms. Only then does he withdraw, his eyes blazing with naked hunger as he brings those glistening fingers to his lips for a slow, deliberate taste.

"Delicious," he rumbles, his voice like gravel against raw nerves.

I can only watch, entranced, as a fresh gush of arousal floods my core, my body already thrumming with a renewed ache to be filled and claimed and possessed by this wild, virile man.

Then he's hauling me against him once more. I’m weightless under the water, and I wrap my legs around his waist until I feel the thick, heavy length of his cock rubbing against my entrance.

With a powerful surge of his hips, he buries himself to the hilt in one slick thrust. I cry out, nails scoring down those broad, heaving shoulders as he stretches and fills me to the brink.

"Fuck, you feel so good," he groans, his forehead pressed against mine. I can feel his pulse pounding, matching the frantic rhythm of my own heart.

He withdraws almost completely, before slamming back into me, again and again. We move together in a wild, untamed frenzy, all civilized constraints shed in the sanctity of this ancient forest. His harsh grunts and my broken keening fill the air, echoing off the towering pines.

Tucker is everywhere, overwhelming every sense in a dizzying onslaught of pure masculine force. His musk, earthy and primal, surrounds me like the wilderness itself. His rough palms and searing mouth blaze across my skin as he claims me with every punishing stroke.

His hands roam my body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. They cup my breasts, pinch my nipples, and grip my hips as he pounds into me. The water around us churns and splashes with every sensual movement.

His teeth scrape my earlobe, sending a jolt of pleasure down my spine. "You're gonna come for me again," he growls, his voice low and commanding.

His hand snakes between our bodies, his skilled fingers finding my clit. He circles and flicks the sensitive bundle of nerves, sending me hurtling toward the peak once more.

"Tucker, I..." I whimper, my body tensing as the pleasure builds and builds.

"I know," he murmurs, his mouth pressing soft, fevered kisses down my throat. “Me too.”

His fingers press down on my clit at the same time his cock slams into my core. And the world explodes around me. My climax rushes up to meet me with shattering force, tearing a guttural roar from my very core that's swallowed by his devouring kiss. Tucker follows a heartbeat later with a feral growl against my neck, his thick release pulsing deep inside of me.

We cling together in the aftermath, chests heaving and skin sheened with sweat as the stream's gentle currents lap at our tangled limbs. I'm utterly insensible, lost in a blissful haze of bone-deep rapture that leaves no room for anything but Tucker's scorching presence surrounding me.

At some point, he gathers me up and carries me from the shallows, depositing me in a trembling heap on the plush, mossy bank. I whine in protest at the sudden loss of his searing heat, my eyes fluttering open in a daze.

"Easy there, darlin'," he rumbles, already lowering that magnificent body beside me to gather me close. "I gotcha."

I melt into his powerful embrace with a contented sigh, nestling my face into the solid strength of his chest. One rough palm trails up and down my spine in a gentle caress that somehow gentles the wildfire blazing beneath my skin.

"You’re magnificent, you know that?" he murmurs, pressing a lingering kiss to the crown of my head. "A goddamn vision."

"I've never felt so free," I confess in a hushed whisper, as if speaking the words too loudly might somehow shatter this moment. "Like I've been sleepwalking through my entire life until you..."

I trail off, at a loss to articulate the profound shift that's occurred somewhere deep in my soul. As if Tucker's scorching intensity has burned away every lingering shred of my former self—the bookish, socially awkward academic who spent so long denying her most primal needs and desires.
