Page 51 of Cruel Expectations

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She liked how the shirt looked on her…and the way he looked at her when she was wearing it.

His eyes darkened with an undeniable want and forced all thoughts of the trouble happening on the ranch out of her mind.

Without thinking twice about what she was doing, she hooked her hand around his nape and yanked him down. His mouth crashed over hers with abandon. The low growl on his lips rumbled through her, slipping low between her legs.

He yanked her flush against his hard body. She gasped at the steel of his cock and couldn’t stop herself rubbing against it.

“Goddammit, woman. You’re a torment.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She backed him up against the log wall of the house and went on tiptoe, lips tilted up for his kiss.

His eyes glimmered, stealing her mind a split second before he took her mouth in a kiss that curled her toes inside her boots.

With a hand planted on her ass, he pulled her close and ground his hips into hers. Need rushed through her body. Her pussy clenched and juices flooded her panties.

Running her hands down his chest, she made sure to brush her fingertips over his nipples. They pebbled at her touch.

His tongue swept through her mouth, stroking her into a frenzy. Goose bumps prickled over her skin, sending her own nipples into sharp points. The ache inside her too intense, she rubbed her breasts against him.

She wanted him. Needed to feel his touch and the thick length of his cock pounding inside her again.

The rumble in his chest spread. Tearing from the kiss, he turned his head aside. “Walk away from me, Ivy.”

She anchored her hands on his chest and firmly shook her head. “I want you.”

A primal noise burned in his throat. “I swore I wouldn’t lay my hands on you again.”

“That was a stupid thing to do.”

He jerked his head around and fixed her in his gaze.

Her heart jogged in her chest. “Take me to bed. I need you to help me forget everything that’s happening in my life.”

His chest heaved. Nostrils flared. “Goddammit, why did you have to choose that shirt?” He scooped her off her feet as if she weighed no more than the jersey alone.

Her insides melted in anticipation. Lips grazing his tanned throat, she whispered, “Around the back there’s a door that leads to the kitchen.”

In a few strides, he circled the porch to the back door. He nudged it open with her cradled in his arms. Each step he took toward the hallway leading to her bedroom had her insides throbbing harder.

As he entered her room, she skated her lips up his jaw to his mouth. He kissed her hard and with enough passion to send a thrill through her system.

He devoured her lips and tongue. He claimed the breathy moans escaping her in rough pants.

Letting her slide down his hard body, he continued kissing her until her knees threatened to buckle. Then he walked her backward to her bed.

He stopped. “What happened to the kiddy stuff?”

“I put everything away in my closet.” That morning, she’d tucked her stuffed animals away on the top shelf and shoved anything that didn’t fit with the grownup version of herself away in the drawers.

Now her space was minimal but still had feminine touches like a few pastel throw pillows. When she’d arranged those on the bed, she hoped with all her heart that Hunter would spread his delicious scent all over them so she could curl up with them at night and remember everything about…this.

He took her by the hips and tossed her onto the bed. Fists curled at his sides, he stared down at her for five long heartbeats.

She thought he might walk out and leave her aching for him.

She needed him to erase the emptiness inside her and make her feel anything again.

Their gazes locked and held. Then he reached for his belt and yanked open the buckle.

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