Page 82 of Beast & Bossy

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“I’m sorry you had to find me like that,” she mumbled, her eyes following every movement of the cloth.

“Don’t apologize. You needed someone.”

“I needed you.”

“I should have come sooner.” I slid the cloth over the plane of her stomach, inching up her ribcage.

“I should have reached out,” she said plainly, shrugging. “We can’t change that.”

Her breath caught as I passed the cloth beneath her right breast, around the side, and over the peak of her nipple. I dragged it over again.

Her fingers wrapped around my bicep, keeping my hand in place. I cupped her left breast, running my thumb along the curvature and drawing out a little sigh from her.

If this was what she wanted, my hands on her and a distraction good enough to keep her mind off of everything, I was more than willing to give it to her.

“Please,” she breathed, her chest rising and angling toward me.

I abandoned her left breast and passed her the face wash from the shelf. “Finish cleaning yourself up, sweetheart, and I’ll give you anything you want.”


She tasted like fucking sin.

With my fingers inside of her and my mouth on her clit, she writhed beneath me, damp hair splayed out across her sheets. I kneeled on the old wooden floor, splinters cutting into my bare skin. I ate her as if she were my last meal, feasting and devouring, savoring every goddamn morsel. It had been too long. I ached for her.

The light was dim in her bedroom, the hanging fairy lights that wrapped around each of the four walls the only illumination. They twinkled in their reflection on the little wet spots across her body, painting her in an almost ethereal glow as her back arched and her hands fisted the duvet. It was something I could happily watch forever on a never-ending loop.

I curled my fingers inside of her, dragging the tips across the little secret spot within and pulling a moan from her. Her walls tightened around them.

“Oh my God, fuck?—”

“Are you going to come already?” I chuckled, my words muffled from my mouthful. Her thighs clamped down on the sides of my head, dampening the sound of her desperate little cries. “Don’t forget to ask permission.”

Every flick of my tongue made her shudder. Every movement of my fingers made her moan. I closed my eyes, focusing every bit of attention I had on keeping the pace and rhythm she responded to best. Her fingers slid across the top of my head, grabbing a handful of hair and gripping it so tightly I thought she might rip it out.

“Please, please, Hunter,” she panted, the words barely reaching my ears. “Can I?”

My cock, already hard and dripping with precum onto the floorboards, twitched greedily against the side of her bed. “Can you what?”

She broke before she had the chance to curse at me, her body tensing and releasing around my mouth and fingers. I feasted still, pulling her through wave after wave of her orgasm as she frantically tried to push me off. “Hunter,” she panted, her thighs flexing and squeezing my head. “Please, please, I can’t breathe?—”

I lifted my mouth from her despite the temptation to hear her keep saying the word please. It was almost as sweet as when she said my name. Her hips bucked as I gently slid my fingertips over that sensitive bundle again.

I stood from the floor, my knees aching and red, and settled on top of her. Her legs encased my hips, locking me with my aching cock against her clit. I focused far too much on making sure that I didn’t immediately succumb to my own needs.

“Look at you,” I said, cupping her face in my hand as her wild eyes met mine. I dragged my thumb across her lips and she opened them for me. “So pliable. You’d do anything I asked right now, wouldn’t you?”

Deep red sprung up across her cheeks. Her tongue flicked out, warm and soft and tempting against the pad of my thumb.

“So fucking sexy.” My hips moved involuntarily against her, giving myself just an ounce of friction. She whimpered, sucking my thumb entirely into her mouth as her eyes closed. I moved again, sliding myself over her dampness over and over, losing myself in the sensation despite her bucking hips that asked for more. “Maybe I should just keep doing this,” I grunted. “Drive you mad. This just isn’t quite enough for you, is it?”

Her eyes popped open, her lower lip jutting out in a pout around my thumb.

“It’s enough for me,” I chuckled. “Fuck, anything with you is enough for me.”

Unlocking her legs from around my waist, she planted both feet firmly on the bed and tilted her hips forward, catching the tip of my cock with her entrance. Before I knew what was happening, her hips were lowering, forcing me halfway inside of her.

I popped my thumb from her mouth and grasped her by the cheeks. “Did I say you could do that, sweetheart?”
