Page 56 of Beast & Bossy

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“I didn’t. She did it on her own,” Dana snapped. Why is Dana mad at Hunter?

“Shhh,” I hushed, fighting the stupid fucking strap across my chest to turn around and look at her. “Don’t yell at him. I want him to like me.”

Dana’s face was only barely illuminated by the passing headlights, but I could see the little grin she bit back. “Sorry, Lottie. Thought you were asleep.”

“Sleep is for the weak.” The words echoed in my mind, a memory of them being some sort of song lyric playing over and over. Sleep is for the weak. Sleep is for the weak. Sleep is for the weak.

“We get it,” Hunter grumbled.

Shit, was that out loud again?

“Yes,” Dana deadpanned.

I spun back around in my seat and slumped into it the right way forward. “Your mom is weird,” I said, turning my gaze to Hunter. In the flickering light and the ambiance of the dashboard, he looked far more attractive than usual. Hard lines, creased brows, eyes trained on the road to keep us alive.

A true gentleman.

“What? How?”

“How what?”

“How is she weird, Lots?” he asked, his fingers snaking across the center console to wrap around my knee. Little electric shots stemmed up from it, making that spot between my thighs tingle.

So fucking hot.

“You think my mom is hot?”

“What? No, you.”

“I don’t think my mom is hot,” he said, patience dripping from every word.

“No, no, I mean you’re hot,” I giggled. My mind was a heavy haze of alcohol and I was absolutely not thinking straight when I wrapped my fingers around his hand and dragged it up my thigh. “Touch me.”

“Oh my God, Charlotte, I’m still here!” Dana laughed.

Hunter’s hand lowered on my thigh, meeting me halfway and stopping in the center. “Sorry, Dana,” Hunter said, his gaze flicking to the mirror. “Do you know why she thinks my mom is weird?”

“Her boobs,” I answered, dragging out the word for far too long. “They’re like… massive. Cement. Perky.”

He did his absolute best to keep his composure. “She got them done last year.”

“Hunter?” I turned to him again, wrapping my fingers tighter around his. “Can you take Dana home?”

The truck shifted into park a second later, his headlights illuminating an apartment complex. It looked oddly familiar, the staircase to the right, the curtains hanging from the second floor…

“Oh! It’s Dana’s house!”

Dana’s door kicked open. “Sorry to leave you with this mess,” she laughed. “Good luck with that one.”

“It’s alright. Drink lots of water,” Hunter told her.

“I think she’s the one you need to worry about with that.” She grabbed her bag from the back and reached around my seat, patting me on the head. “Bye, Lottie.”


The door shut behind me, cutting off the freezing air. Dana jogged up the steps of her apartment, flashing a quick wave before she disappeared into the warmth of the building.

I pulled Hunter’s hand back up to the crotch of my jeans. “Please.”
