Page 53 of Beast & Bossy

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Her bloodshot eyes flicked back and forth between mine. The circles beneath them were darker, more pronounced than ever. Did she even sleep? “He had a seizure overnight,” she croaked. “It’s spread. It’s in his brain.”


I knew there was a good chance this could happen. The prognosis wasn’t good from the beginning. But watching it unfold was a completely different story. “I’m so sorry,” I breathed, unable to think of one useful or helpful thing to say. Instead, I stroked her cheek and held her, rocking her back and forth. My heart broke for her.

“I was here,” she whispered. “I didn’t leave. I didn’t, I swear.”

“I know,” I sighed. This goddamn fixation she had, how she’d convinced herself she couldn’t leave because she was somehow keeping him stable with her presence, had been the most stressful part of the last few weeks. I couldn’t give two shits if she wasn’t at work, I had people handling that. But I’d been genuinely worried about her mental state and how this would affect her, especially if she had decided to leave, and something bad happened.

If anything, I was partly relieved that it had happened with her here. At least then I could start to break down this association she had with it.

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “It’s not your fault.”

Her fists gripped my button-up, pulling at loose threads as she looked between me and her father. “They said he doesn’t have long.” Every part of her was breaking more and more, and with each little piece, a spot inside of me softened. “A month, maybe two.”

They’d said six months just a few days ago.

Her lower lip quivered harder. “I need you to do it for me.”

My brows knitted together as I dragged her gaze back to me, cupping both of her cheeks as I adjusted our position on the horribly cold tile flooring. “Do what?”

She swallowed hard. “Give him peace of mind. Please. We can figure out the logistics later?—”

Realization slammed into me like a fucking semi-truck. “You want me to marry you?”

She nodded.

“I…” I couldn’t find words. I’d barely been able to give much meaningful thought to Brody’s request, and now, it was like I was being put on the spot. “I don’t know.”

“Please,” she sobbed, those horrible gasping sounds coming back. I breathed in through my nose, out through my mouth, leading her in the rhythm to calm her down. “Please, Hunter. I’ll do anything.”

My throat closed. My reluctance to the idea was overwhelming. I owed him and I owed her, and it would only help me. But what kind of a fucking man was I if I was only doing it to secure the company?


One word barely escaped my lips.

“Okay,” I mumbled. “If you want a fake marriage, we’ll do it.”

Something I couldn’t quite place flickered in her eyes before she slowly began to calm down.

Chapter 22


I’d almost forgotten how it felt to have the sun shine on my skin. Warmth prickled my face despite the cold wind as Dana and I walked toward the open doors of the hotel and spa that Hunter’s mother had invited us to. I knew damn well it was an effort to get me out of the hospital, but at this point, with the amount of stress and anxiety, it didn’t make a difference. I needed it.

Or maybe that’s just what Hunter convinced me of.

It had taken him two days to break me down and get me to agree. He was adamant that staying that long in the hospital room with Dad was unhealthy, and slowly but surely, the fear of leaving him for the day became less and less terrifying. It was still a day lost, still a day that I wouldn’t get back. But Dad wasn’t waking up anytime soon, and that was the only thing that made me feel even the slightest bit okay about it.

I’d fought my demons over abandoning him for a fucking spa day. It felt silly, almost absurd, but considering Hunter and I were “engaged,” Dad would be upset if I didn’t get to enjoy the festivities that came along with that just because I was holding his hand while he was out cold. And the worst thing, apart from death, had happened with me in the room. Hunter’s insistence that my presence wouldn’t affect anything was the last little push I needed, even if I felt like shit leaving.

Maybe I’d just drink until the day was over.

I pulled my jacket tighter around me as we stepped inside. It was a good thing they’d requested we show up without makeup, I sure as hell wasn’t going to bother and hadn’t for weeks. Besides, my eyes were so red and swollen, I wasn’t sure makeup would even be able to help.

