Page 36 of Beast & Bossy

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The little snort he made was enough to assure me that he absolutely wasn’t. “No. I only said it because we were in the moment.”

The level of comfort I was beginning to feel was strangely reassuring. Considering I had just fucked my boss, on his desk, in his office, with his father and brother in the same building was pretty bad ass. The anger I typically felt whenever he was around was waning at a steady pace. I chuckled, burying my face into the center of his chest, breathing in the woody, pine smoke scent of him. “Why did I like that so much?”

I could feel his shrug. “We don’t always know what we like during sex until we try it. Doesn’t mean we want it all the time. I wouldn’t overthink it.”

There wasn’t a single part of me that wanted this moment to end. It felt like something had just been conquered— whether it was the barrier I had built to keep him out or the animosity between us, I wasn’t sure. Either way, things felt lighter, easier. I realized it was exactly how I wanted them to feel.

“I should get you home,” he sighed without any effort toward making a move.

“You should keep a bed in your office,” I mumbled. “Then we could just stay.”

He laughed lightly, the humor in it dying out fairly quickly. “You’d just hate me in the morning.”

“I could never hate you.”

He pulled back, far enough to get me to look up at him. The expression on his face was one of mild surprise. “I should record you saying that so I can play it back next time you’re chastising me for God knows what.”

I cringed at the idea. “Please don’t.”

“I wouldn’t.” He let go of me then, his warmth retreating and leaving me cold, naked, and a little sweaty atop his desk. Between my thighs, a little trickle of white made its way downward. “It’s past closing time. We should head out.”

I hopped down from the desk on shaky legs, making sure I had my balance before I gathered my strewn clothes from the floor. Hunter tucked his cock back into his slacks and zipped them up, depriving me of the arguably excellent view. He laughed when he caught me watching.

“Don’t be so obvious or I’ll keep you here all night.”

“Is that a promise?” I smirked.

The way the muscles in his chest flexed as he slid his shirt over his arms and shoulders was something I would be thinking about for days to come.

After dressing, I grabbed my tote bag from the floor. It felt a little lighter in comparison to this morning, and after a quick glance inside, I groaned. “Aargh. I forgot my laptop in the conference room.”

“I can get it for you?—”

“No, no, it’s fine,” I huffed. I pulled on my strappy heels, barely keeping my balance on one foot. “You go ahead to the car and get it warmed up. I’ll grab it and meet you down there.”


Trying to remember the way I’d come into the Boulder offices that morning was a bit of a mind game post-sex, but as I slid my laptop into my bag and navigated the halls, I found the exit easier than I thought I would.

I didn’t know how to feel about what had happened in his office. Despite the ongoing hostility between us, the intense passion, the unexpected necessity of it had felt so real. The sweetness he’d shown me afterward, the playful banter, the dirty talk. It seemed less like an opportunistic quickie and more like something genuine. I knew that in a few hours the haze would wear off and I would hate myself for enjoying every second of it. Or would I?

Dad had warned me extensively about him. How he had a track record of making girls fall for him only to leave them in the dust. However in this case, we were tied at the hip for at least six months, his idea. If something came of it, would he be able to drop me so easily? After the amount of time we’d have spent together, surely feelings would have developed for him, too. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.

I pushed open the front door, immediately getting a face full of freezing air. I pulled my jacket tighter around me, thankful that I’d sent Hunter out to warm the car first. A massive semi-truck had parked directly in front of the entrance. Great.


My feet froze mid-step. I knew that voice, knew it all too well. I knew it in my bones, knew it from hundreds of voicemails and whispered sweet nothings in the middle of the night.

My blood ran cold.

I turned, and there, in the low outdoor lighting from the office building, stood my ex.

Chapter 15


It was late into autumn, and the air had begun to turn bitterly cold. The metal of my car had absorbed the drop in temperature, permeating through my suit and overcoat as I leaned against it, reflecting the last bits of light as the final sliver of the sun dipped below the mountaintops.
