Page 33 of Beast & Bossy

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“What are you doing?” she snapped, squeezing my hand to grab my attention as I pressed the button for the top floor. I scanned my ID card and it blinked a green light in response.

“Getting some privacy.”

I grabbed her by the waist, pulled her in, and gave one last look at the hallway as the doors began to close. My father and Fred stepped out of the conference room, deep in conversation, but I knew they saw me as I pressed my lips to Lottie’s just as the sliding metal met.

Chapter 14


I’d sworn to myself that I wouldn’t let him sway me like this again. Yet I’d managed to go back on that promise.

As soon as we reached his office, Hunter kissed me against the door. This time though, it was locked, and Hunter had to scan his key card in order to unlock it. He barely managed with one hand up in my hair while his mouth was devouring my own.

No matter how infuriating this man was, something about him made me far too uninhibited the moment he touched me. It was as if he knew the exact ways my body needed to be touched, the words I wanted to hear, the perfect places his mouth could go. He could read me like a book, and in any other circumstance, I would have fucking hated it. But when Hunter touched me, I lost my mind.

I nearly fell into the office when the door opened, but he caught me, one arm tightened around the small of my back, keeping me locked to him. Within a second we were inside, the door locked behind us, our suit jackets wrinkled on the floor.

His office was massive. Floor-to-ceiling windows covered one side with a view overlooking the base of the mountains. A large oak desk sat in the center with bookshelves lining the walls on either side, filled with books I’d love to get my hands on. The tile flooring made every step I made with my heels click. I was grateful for the lack of windows between his office and the hallway.

“You can’t wear this ever again,” he rasped, his fingers frantically popping open the buttons of my shirt. “It’s been driving me insane since you got here.”

“My pantsuit?” I laughed.

“Yes.” He released the last button and pulled the tucked-in fabric out of my pants. “And for fucks sake, Lottie, you have to start wearing undergarments. I can’t keep imagining you with nothing beneath your clothes.”

I grinned up at him, knowing damn well what I was doing. But in truth, I didn’t like wearing them. I didn’t particularly need to and I found them incredibly uncomfortable. “No.”

He let out a little grunt as he pressed his lips to mine again. His tongue invaded my mouth instantly, clashing with my own eagerly, hungrily, while his fingers knotted themselves around the clasp of my belt. Within seconds, it joined our jackets on the floor.

The room itself was quiet and in direct opposition to the last time I had been in it. It had been tense then, and I’d been so angry with him for summoning me. Things had changed. I’d now go wherever he wanted me to. I’d go to Texas. As long as he touched me and let me come apart in his grip, I’d go anywhere with him.

Even if I knew I’d regret it at the end.

He pulled my heels off and helped me shimmy out of my form-fitting suit pants, leaving me entirely naked before him. He stood tall, still clad in his button-up and slacks, and before I could protest, he was lifting me.

My rear met his hard oak desk, just an inch from the nameplate that read Hunter Harris.

“You are pure temptation,” he said. His fingers pushed the hair from my face, hooking it behind my ear before he slowly got to work on his shirt buttons, popping them one after the other. “Do you know how often I picture you like this?”

“Every time you see me?” I smirked. I pushed a handful of papers that sat behind me out of the way, knowing exactly where this was going. I knew damn well I shouldn’t. But my body had a mind of its own, and I wasn’t prepared to fight it.

“Every time I’m awake,” he corrected. “I can’t get you out of my goddamn head, Charlotte.”

I blinked up at him as his shirt fell to the floor. There was a part of me that wasn’t sure if he was being entirely truthful or if this was something he said to every woman he slept with, just a ploy to make me feel special. But the other part of me, the one that didn’t care if he was lying, couldn’t get him out of my head, either.

His mouth met my skin, hungry little breaths and bites as he explored my upper chest. He knew how to take me. He was focused on me and only me, making that fire in my gut explode with anticipation before allowing himself his own pleasure. And as much as I appreciated that, I wanted more.

I unlatched his belt with expert precision and speed, and he shuddered, the muscles in his chest and arms flexing. “What do you think you’re doing?” he mumbled, his teeth catching on the tip of my breast.

“Touching you.”

He pressed one knee between my legs, forcing them open. “You can’t do that.”

“And yet, you’re doing nothing to stop me,” I laughed, gasping a little as he bit down. I lowered his zipper.

His fingers wrapped around mine, stopping them before I could free him. “If you do that, I won’t be able to get the image out of my head.”

