Page 21 of Beast & Bossy

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“Please tell me you didn’t bring me here just to ask me that. You could have called me.”

“I wanted to see you.” His lips lifted into a smirk as he leaned forward, his black suit tugging at every little bit of muscle in his arms. “So?”

“It’s fine. Hank is annoying but I’m learning. Everyone thinks I’m a bitch since you didn’t promote from within. I met a nice horse.” I rattled off short sentences, hoping to appease him so I could leave sooner. “I’m hungry because I forgot to take a lunch break. I’ve dressed incorrectly again, so that’s great. All in all, ten out of ten experience.”

“Glad to hear you’re settling well.”

“Why am I here, Hunter?” I pressed. I knew there was something else. I could sense it from the way he looked at me like I was a piece of meat. “What’s the point of this?”

“So pushy,” he said, clicking his tongue in a way that threatened to make me see red. “We have plans tonight. That’s why I brought you here.”

Okay, no, that was what would make me see red. “Excuse me?”

“You’re clear to go home whenever you need to in order to be ready to go by six this evening.” The way he spoke was as if he didn’t care whether or not I was okay with the plan. “We’ll be going to Denver. There’s a bag by the door with your outfit inside,” he waved one hand toward a large shopping bag. I’ll pick you up from your house.”

“No,” I scoffed.

“Please don’t argue with me, Lottie. I’ve had a long day.”

“You’ve had a long day? I’ve had a long day, you ass! I told you I didn’t want to do this so soon. I told you this was a bad fucking idea,” I snapped. “We agreed to do this my way.”

“I’ll have you know that I didn’t agree to shit,” he said, that horrible, angering smirk getting wider. “Were you too turned on to remember what happened clearly? I never agreed to wait. I gave you three days, be grateful.”

“I hate you.” I stood from the chair, the leather squeaking as my body left it. Turning to the door in a huff, I stomped my way over to it, hoping at least a spec of manure ended up on his clean white floor.

“I’ll see you at six,” he said. “And don’t forget your bag.”

With one last angry look at him, I snatched the bag from the floor and stormed out of his stupid office. I didn’t know why I agreed to this, why I thought it would be a good idea. Sure, I was getting something out of it and so was Dana, but goddamn, was it worth dealing with him? Was it worth putting up with his shenanigans?

If I was going to get through this with my sanity intact, I needed to stand my ground and stop letting him give me orgasms.

Chapter 9


Ifucking loved flying a helicopter.

Lottie, though, seemed to hate being a passenger. Or she just hated me. Probably both.

She sat in the copilot seat, arms crossed, black dress hanging from her form. The hint of a bra strap told me I shouldn’t be excited for tonight, but there was always that part of me that thought maybe I’d get lucky. With her, it was always about luck.

“Loosen up,” I said over the headset. I was met with a glare.

“Why? No one’s going to take pictures of us in the fucking sky.”

“Try to enjoy yourself. It’s fun,” I grinned. I turned the helicopter just slightly, angling our direction, and pointed out her window. “That’s the wildlife refuge down there.”

She turned her head and looked down, her fingers tightening around her biceps. “Cool.”

I sighed. “Back there, where the sun is setting, is Thorodin Mountain,” I continued, trying to pique her interest with a landmark I knew she’d seen at least a hundred times before. I didn’t know what else I could do to perk her up, not when I needed to keep us from crashing and dying.

“Can you just get us there safely?” she snapped, whipping her head in my direction. The way the helmet and the headset sat on her skull made her look tiny, almost fragile. It was adorable, even though I knew she was anything but those things.

“Alright, fine.”


The restaurant I’d booked for us was one I’d frequented a handful of times to impress clients or women. It had a helipad on the roof, and the view it held at the top of the building couldn’t be matched by any other place in the entirety of Denver. I knew this because I’d checked.
