Page 12 of Beast & Bossy

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I pulled on my Colorado State hoodie and shoved my feet into my boots. I didn’t need to look my best today, not when I was just keeping Dana company. The idea of telling her what had happened with Hunter had been gnawing at me for days now, including the entire length of our flight, and I wondered if the ball would inevitably drop today.

I hoped not. I didn’t want to talk about it, because if I did, it would make it that much more real. And it couldn’t have been real. I needed it to not be.

“Hold up,” Dad called, heavy footsteps falling across the wooden floors as he stepped toward me. “I know we didn’t really get the chance to chat last night.”

Oh God. Where was this going?

His hand came to rest on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. He was only a couple of inches taller than me, but every time he did that, I felt like I was ten years old again and he was this towering figure that loomed over me and my life. “I’m sorry you had to leave in order to get away from him. I am. But I’m so happy you’re home, and I’m so proud of you, bug.”

A sigh whistled out of my nose. I hated when he brought up my ex, but I understood the reasoning. I’d never be able to truly get away from what happened—not when the thoughts still lingered, not when just his name was enough to set me on edge. “Thanks, Dad.”

His fingers brushed against the chain around my throat, a gentle touch against something that once belonged to his everything. “Your mother would be proud, too. I want you to know that.”

My lips pursed into a thin line. If they only knew the half of it, I doubt an ounce of pride would be directed toward me, even from the grave. Not after I’d slept with my potential new boss. Not after potentially sticking myself into a situation that could easily lead to another escape from my problems.

But Dad didn’t need to know that. No one did.

Chapter 5


Fresh-cut strawberries, cinnamon, and whipped cream.

The scent of her had been driving me insane from the moment she left. I could still smell it on the sheets the following morning, could smell it on my suit jacket, could smell it on myself before I showered. Every time, it brought me back to her in my bed. Every time, it brought me back to her on the edge of the couch, my fingers inside of her, black satin barely leaving a thing to the imagination. Every time, it made me want her again.

I could smell her even now. Could smell her over the home-broiled stew Mom was making for our monthly family get-together, could smell her over the scent of their dog, could smell her over the baby lotion slathered on my brother’s daughter’s skin. Her scent was ingrained in me.

I’d see her tomorrow. It would be her first day on the job. She’d confirmed after three emails of me ensuring she would show up. But seeing her tomorrow meant dealing with the growing urge to have her again, and she’d be well within reach.

I wanted to make that sassy mouth useful.

“Isn’t that right, Hunter?”

Blinking away the thoughts of Lottie’s lips around my cock, I turned toward the voice, spotting my brother leaning against the kitchen counter with a fork between his teeth. “Sure,” I said, not really caring about whatever topic they had landed on. I had more important things to think about.

“See, Dad? He can’t even fuck, freaking, pay attention,” Fred droned, pulling the fork from his teeth and chewing on something.

“You said a bad word,” Harvey, his son, giggled. He was old enough now to police his parents. He was somewhere between four and six, though I couldn’t quite remember his exact age.

“He’s not fit to be running anything. I guarantee you he’s lost in thought about some random woman he can’t wait to get into bed with.”

I narrowed my gaze at him. He was right about one thing and one thing only—I was lost in thought. “Bullshit. That’s coming from the guy who nearly lost us the deal with that Australian company.”

“Don’t swear in front of my kids,” Fred snapped.

“You just said fuck.”

Harvey giggled again.

“And if I remember correctly, I’m the one who had to pick up the pieces and save the day after you screwed it all up,” I continued.

“You always have to bring that up, don’t you?” Fred hissed, pushing himself off the counter and taking a step toward me. “Can’t ever let me forget the one time I messed up.”

“It hasn’t even been a year.”

“You’ve made mistakes too, Hunter,” he spat. “I’m just nice enough to not throw them in your face every time I see you.”

He took a step toward me, his thin frame barely enough to do much damage to me nowadays. “None of them have ever been nearly as bad as yours,” I stated.
