Page 85 of Brute & Bossy

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I took a step toward Zane, every ounce of my anger desperately needing to collide with his face. He didn’t even back away. He stood tall on the bottom step, an inch above me, skinny arms behind his back.

“Go on, brother,” Zane drawled, his smile still plastered to his face. “Show me how mad you are.”

I pulled my arm back, fist clenched, and?—

“For fuck’s sake, stop!” Ray shrieked. “I’m pregnant, okay? I’m pregnant.”

Chapter 39


My body shook as Wade’s fist fell to his side. I didn’t know what to do, what to say. I knew I had to tell him, I was planning to tell him, but not like this. Never like this.

“When I came to,” I started, pulling my sleeves down over my palms, “the first thing I thought about was the baby, okay? I was saying ‘the baby’. I wasn’t sure if it had been hurt in the accident.”

“It’s true,” Hunter said. “She didn’t want you to find out like that so I kept it to myself.”

Wade’s shoulders rose and fell with every breath. He didn’t look at me. I wasn’t even sure if he could hear me past the waves of anger.

“Wade,” I said softly. “Can we please talk about this in private?”

He didn’t move.

Mandy kicked into high gear within a second. She grabbed Zane by the elbow, hauling him toward the entrance with a surprising amount of strength. Zane didn’t fight her, he simply turned his back on us and allowed her to escort him away. Jack and Hunter followed behind them, giving us the privacy we desperately needed.

Wade still didn’t move.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” I croaked. I didn’t even realize until then that a lump had formed in my throat, that the backs of my eyes were on fire. “I wanted to. But I didn’t find out until after we fell apart, and then you came to my house and told me you loved me. Although that might have been the perfect time to tell you, I couldn’t bring myself to say it and then everything blew up?—”

“How?” Wade asked, his head turning painfully slowly toward me. “How did this happen? I thought you were on the pill.”

“To be fair, you never asked,” I replied. “I stopped taking it after what happened with my old boss. And then forgot I’d stopped taking it.”

“How far along are you?”

“Eleven weeks. It’s healthy.”

He pushed his fingers through his hair as his eyes locked with mine. “When are you due?”

“November,” I said. “It’s yours, if you were at all concerned about that.”

“I was, a little,” he admitted.

I watched as he crumpled. His rear met the first step of the stairs, his arms falling over his knees. Every ounce of adrenaline he had in his system was crashing.

“I’m… I’m keeping it, Wade,” I whispered. I sat down beside him, not giving a shit if I ruined the far too expensive dress.

He nodded, eyes turned upward to the star covered sky above us. They glistened happily, a stark contrast to what was happening below them.

“Good,” he said, his voice thick like gravel. “If that’s what you want, then I’ll support you every step of the way.”

“You’re not angry?”

“Not about that,” he said. He blinked a few times, drying his eyes, before turning to me. “You should have known I’d have said anything to get Zane out of my hair. The shit I spewed in the parking garage was because he had threatened to tell Alec about our little deal. I didn’t know what he was capable of if I told him I was truly in love with you. He’d use it against me somehow.”

A sinking part of me, the part that recalled the old version of Wade, fought against his words. But the more he talked, the more I was able to see who he truly was despite all of that, the more I wanted to believe him.

“It was real for me,” he added. “I’ve never experienced anything more real than what I feel with you.”
