Page 55 of Brute & Bossy

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If I hadn’t been so exhausted after Wade finished his speech last night, I would have pressed him on the question, would have begged him for an answer. But he was far too entrenched in selling himself to Dom’s dad after, far too caught up with family, and after I’d played my part and kissed him goodnight, I’d gone up to the room alone.

And promptly fell asleep within seconds.

I’d woken up with his arms around me and his chest against my back, and in the pale morning light, the question still lingered, unanswered and quiet. I wasn’t sure if he’d forgotten or just lost the nerve to say whatever he was going to, but he didn’t speak on it as we got ready for the wedding, as we walked down the hallway toward the elevator, as we stood hand in hand behind the glass.

“You look beautiful,” he said, lifting our joined hands to kiss my knuckles. “Good choice with the dress.”

In truth, I was nervous as hell about the dress. Wade had told me to buy something as fancy as I could and considering the seven grand of his money that I’d spent, I’d wager a bet it was fancy enough. But what if I’d gone too far? What if everyone else had dressed far more casually, and here I was in a floor-length, shimmery green dress, complete with cape sleeves and appliqués?

“I’m terrified I’m going to spill something on it,” I said.

The elevator dinged and we exited in tandem, joining the hoard of guests making their way to the outdoor setup. We still had approximately thirty minutes until the wedding was set to begin, but everyone was ready and rearing to go, gowns like mine and suits like Wade’s making up the majority of the attire. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I squeezed his hand as my nerves kicked in. Thankfully, all eyes wouldn’t be on us today, but somehow this felt like the most important day, the day when I really had to sell it. What woman goes to a wedding when they’re supposedly in love and doesn’t get all lovey-dovey, dreaming about the day being hers instead? Half of me was terrified I wouldn’t pull it off and the other half was quaking in fear that I’d sell it too easily, that I’d actually end up wanting that.

The feelings I was developing were building too fast, too soon.

“Wade! Ray!”

Wade looked across the crowd as we exited the double doors and stepped onto the patio. Pyramid heaters were everywhere, ensuring no one needed to cover themselves up with a jacket, one of Chloe’s main requests. Off in the far corner, standing next to one of the heaters, stood Jack and Mandy, a baby clutched on Jack’s hip. Cassie? Was that her name?

Wade and I strolled through the loitering crowd, too many women turning their heads as we walked by. I felt sick watching them and their wandering gaze, the way they looked at me with such disdain.

“Oh my God, you look incredible,” Mandy grinned, her deep red gown swishing around her body as she hugged me. “Couldn’t have picked a better dress for you myself.”

Wade cracked a smile as he pulled me into his side. “I definitely knocked it out of the park with this one,” he chuckled. Cassie cooed from Jack’s hip, her little feet kicking, and within a second her hands were reaching out toward Wade. “Aww, hello, angel.”

Wade scooped her up into his arms, his smile only growing, and goddammit that wasn’t helping. Now I had to deal with feelings and the mental image of him as a dad.

“She missed her uncle,” Jack laughed.

Wade lifted her into the air, pressing little kisses on her cheeks. “Who wouldn’t?”


“That’s the investor, right?” Jack whispered, leaning around me and Mandy to get Wade’s attention as he discreetly pointed toward Dom’s dad.

“Yeah, that’s Alec. He’s the father of the groom,” Wade answered. Cassie sat calmly in his lap, her little hands grabbing at the shiny, reflective fabric of my dress. She was adorable, but I kept my eye on her, making sure she didn’t tear it. The dress cost too much for that. “He said he needs to ‘think about it’.”

Jack made a face and rolled his eyes. “You could have just asked me to invest.”

“You don’t have the connections he does,” Wade shot back. “No offense, but I need him. If I’m going to give away thirty-five percent in equity, it’s going to be to him.”

Mandy’s eyes widened as she looked between the two of us. “Thirty-five percent? That’s insane.”

“If you want to design my resort, Mands, don’t question it.”

Her mouth snapped shut in an instant, and Wade laughed, drawing Cassie’s attention up toward him. She grabbed onto the lapel of his jacket, tugging and pulling, a smile on her chubby cheeks.

“Wade,” Mandy whispered, reaching across my lap to poke him in the thigh. “Dominic’s dad is looking at you.”

“So?” Wade picked Cassie up and passed her over myself and back to Mandy.

“So, ham it up,” she giggled. “Don’t you have a show to put on for him?”

I laughed as I looked up at him, the faintest blush spreading across his tanned cheeks. “Yeah, Wade, don’t you have a show to put on for him?” I echoed.
