Page 52 of Brute & Bossy

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A beat of silence. I gulped.

“Then he asked me out before he hired me,” I lied. I couldn’t bear to look at Chloe, couldn’t face her knowing she knew damn well that the story had veered away from the truth. “He was an absolute angel to me, even after I found out about the, uh, bunny situation. I wasn’t very nice about that. But he asked me to be his girlfriend a few months later after he’d helped me out of a shitty situation where my car died, and I said yes. And I haven’t looked back.”

Arlie was silent for far too long.

I knew I’d fucked up. I must have. I knew I should have talked with Wade about this beforehand, corroborated on a believable story that wasn’t the actual one. But we’d been too busy last night to even consider it. My eyelids felt heavy as the memories of it flooded my head, and goddammit I was so tired?—

The piercing laugh that came from Arlie’s mouth was enough to startle me back into the present situation. “Oh my gosh,” she cackled. “That’s amazing. What a story to tell your future kids.”

Future kids.

“Yeah,” I chuckled, every movement forced and unnatural. My stomach sunk, churning with displeasure. Future kids. Future kids. Future kids. I wanted to focus on how although half our story was fake, the sentiment of it was there. The foundation was there. The feelings were… there. But all I could think about was that phrase. Future kids.

“Has he, you know, said it yet?” Arlie’s sister asked. “The big three words.”

I gulped. “Love?”

She nodded.

It’s a long-term relationship, Ray. You both would have said it by now. “Yeah,” I grinned. “A couple of weeks ago.”

I stuffed my hands under my legs to keep from showing how much they shook at just the idea. I knew damn well that I could easily fall in love with the man I’d spent last night with, but saying we’d already exchanged those three words was on another level entirely. I’d be expected to say it out loud, in front of others. I’d have to say it to him.

Chloe cut in with a question to Arlie about her bridal bouquet, closing off all conversation about Wade for the time being. I took a deep breath and sank back against the wall, breathing out the smallest sigh of relief when Arlie carried it from there.

I could make it through the morning. It would be fine. I hadn’t blown it.


Chapter 22


“Come on, baby, you’ve got to wake up,” I mumbled, gently patting Ray’s cheek as I held her face in my hands. She sat beneath me on the bed, all dressed up in a dark blue, velvet dress that came all the way up her neck. Probably a good thing considering how many times I’d sucked at the skin there last night.

“I’m just so tired,” she whined.

“I know,” I sighed. I pressed a kiss on her forehead and patted her cheek again, coaxing her lazy eyes to open fully. “I’m sorry, but we’re going to be late if we wait much longer.”

My stomach churned at the idea. Tonight was important—I’d be meeting Dom’s parents for the first time, as would Ray—and I needed things to go smoothly. Being late was not an option. My supposed girlfriend falling asleep at the table was not an option. Sure, my mother, sister, stepfather, and stepbrother would be in attendance, as well, and could take some of the attention off of us, but I needed that attention.

I needed that damn investment.

“Let’s just stay here.” She blinked the sleep away and looked up at me, lips parted, perfectly colored with lipstick. She looked beautiful, and if I had half a brain and didn’t have an important dinner to attend with her, I’d say fuck yes. “We can do whatever you want.”

Christ. She was more than I deserved. “Don’t tempt me, Raven.”

Her lower lip jutted out.

Before she could react, I snaked an arm around her waist, hoisting her up onto her heeled feet with her chest against mine. Holding her, touching her, felt too damn natural at this point and I wondered if it was something she was feeling and wanting, too. Or maybe it was all part of the performance.

But last night didn’t feel like a performance. Not when we were alone together. The true Ray was there, not the version of herself she was putting on for my family.

I softly pressed my lips to hers then pulled away before she had a chance to convince me to stay in the room with her all evening. “Come on,” I chuckled. “We’ve got to go.”

Her answering glare made me question whether she wanted to stay so she could sleep or to fuck me.

