Page 32 of Brute & Bossy

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Chloe’s heels on the tile of the quiet Louis Vuitton store grated against my ears. She’d insisted we go to Denver for a shopping spree. Apparently, Dominic preferred the finer things in life, so luxury items were the way to his and his parent’s hearts.

I had what seemed to be an ever-growing list of gift ideas for them. With every item that Chloe looked at, studied, and touched, my options became too wide to narrow down. Or maybe that was her goal; drive me insane and get me to spend hundreds of thousands on her fiancé and his family.

“Can you please just pick something?” I mumbled, thoroughly uninterested in the wallet she held in her hands. The sales assistant shot me a dirty look.

“I just can’t remember if he prefers the monogram or the damier,” Chloe groaned. She flipped both of them over in her hands again. “Maybe we should just get both?”

Great. Over a grand on wallets alone. “Fine. Get both. I can either give him two or keep one for myself.”

“We’ll take both,” Chloe said, flashing a grin at the assistant. “And maybe the new print of the petite malle.”

I gritted my teeth, forcing my mouth to stay shut. She was approaching ten grand at Louis Vuitton alone. We still had at least five more stops.

“For Dom’s mom,” Chloe whispered to me. “She loves those ones.”

“Would you like to take those with you today or have them shipped?”

“We’ll take them with us.” I leaned against the counter as the woman behind it packaged up our items. “How much are you planning on having me spend today?” I asked Chloe, irritation seeping into my voice. I wasn’t the kind of person who enjoyed shopping, and definitely not when I had to do it with her.

Her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head. “Does it matter? You’re the one trying to impress them. I’m just here to help.”

I hated it when she was right.

In truth, the money I was likely going to spend on them was nothing in comparison to the investment I needed to ask for. It was a drop in the pond. And although I had enough to not think critically about spending hundreds of thousands on her new family, it rubbed me the wrong way, felt like a bribe. But I wasn’t above bribing.

“Your total is eight-thousand, two-hundred forty-two dollars and twenty-nine cents.”


Chloe carefully set the five bags she carried in the trunk of my Lamborghini, pushing the ones I’d already set down to the side so they’d all fit. Nearly seventy grand dropped on people I had never met. I tried not to curse myself.

“What’s got your panties in a twist today?” She shut the trunk and leveled a glare at me, her arms crossed over her chest. I appreciated her waiting until we were out of the shops to ask me, but it still didn’t feel like something I should be complaining to my sister about. There’s no good way to say: I’m sexually frustrated and can’t do anything about it.

“I’m cleaning up my act,” I bit out. “And it’s stressful.”


“Exactly.” I opened her door, holding out one hand to usher her in. “Now get in before I lose my shit, squirt.”

“Wait, wait.” She held up one hand. “Does that mean you’re dating someone? Like a serious thing?”

I wanted to smash my head into the edge of the open door. I hadn’t considered that I might need to lie to her, and that created a stress all on its own. Chloe was the kind of sister who pried her way into everything, needed to know every last detail, and got excited at even the slightest hint of a romance blossoming. And now she was in contact with Ray. I couldn’t even imagine the looks Ray would give me the moment Chloe started asking her questions.

“Just get in the car,” I insisted, pressing my hand into the top of her back and pushing her gently toward the open door. She gave me an annoyed humph and plopped down into the waiting heated seat.

She shut the door herself as I limped my way around the car. My leg had begun flaring up halfway through shopping, and even though I knew for a fact that the majority of my irritation stemmed directly from my frustrations, part of it was because of the pain shooting up my leg. I wasn’t looking forward to the drive home.

Her mouth was running the second I started my car.

“Who is it? Is she nice? Please don’t tell me it’s Leanne. I hate her. She was so rude to me at the resort last year. Did you start dating after I told you to?” She gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my God, were you dating before that? A secret relationship?—”

“Chloe,” I said with clear irritation. I pulled out of the parking garage as gently as I could, not wanting to damage anything in the back. “It’s Ray. Raylene. My assistant.”

Another exaggerated gasp. “Ray? Is that why you hired her?”

“No, I didn’t know her before I hired her.”

“Oh wow,” she breathed. She looked off into the distance, her mind turning what I could only assume was the timeline over and over. “Did you, like, sleep with her on her first day or something?”
