Page 29 of Brute & Bossy

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Words evaded me. There was nothing I could say, nothing I could do to make that kind of pain go away. No amount of money in the world would erase that from happening.

“Mom got a lot worse after that. The doctors said she was depressed and that depression could lead to a decreased mental state for her, but obviously, there was nothing we could do to fix that. I was convinced the heartbreak would take her out within months, but, as you already know, she’s still here. Sometimes she forgets that Dad’s gone and that opens a whole new can of worms.”

She found a new thread and tugged on it until it broke free, unraveling a few more in the process.

“They had a really great relationship. It was the kind of thing I always looked up to. I told myself I wouldn’t marry someone if I didn’t feel the way my parents did for each other.”

I wanted to hug her even if it meant she’d throw me off.

“Are you even listening to me?” she snapped, her head whipping in my direction faster than I could blink.

“I—” I started, cutting myself off before saying something stupid. I forced myself to think, to carefully choose my words first. Don’t fucking tease her. Not right now. “I was listening. I just don’t know what to say.”

“Sure you were.” She kicked the ice again, sending a chunk flying. “Why do you care anyway? Do you know this much about all of your bunnies’ families?”

“No,” I answered. And it was entirely true. I couldn’t think of a single interesting fact I knew about any of them. “I never asked.”

Her scoff was enough to tell me she was dissatisfied with my answer. “Figures.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you don’t give a shit about any of them,” she laughed. Gone was any trace of the real Ray hidden behind the mask. All I had now was an ice princess. “They’re just a warm hole and a good lay to you.”

Great. So that was how it was going to be now.

“Tell me they’re anything but. Go on,” Ray hissed, every part of her icing over as she leaned toward me, one hand on the ice and the other in her lap. “Lie to me, Wade.”

That feral, needy, desperate side of me that hadn’t been satiated in nearly a week came out in full swing before I could stop it. “Why?” I purred. My freezing, nearly numb hand met her face, cupping under her jaw and pulling her closer. I tried to ignore the jolt that came from my skin on hers. “So you can pretend you don’t want to be one of them someday?”

Her breathing went shallow as her eyes flicked back and forth between mine. “I would never want that.”

“No?” I challenged, squeezing the sides of her jaw just a little bit tighter. She could wiggle out if she wanted to. But she wasn’t. “You wouldn’t want me between your thighs?”


I pulled her closer, my face just an inch from hers, and dropped my voice. “Don’t deny it, Blunder Bunny. You’d fucking drip at just the idea of my breath on your skin, my fingers inside of you, my tongue in every goddamn place where the sun doesn’t shine.”

I could count the flecks of gold in her irises as they calmed, staring directly into mine. Her breath was jagged, uneven, and fuck my cock was already flooding with blood.

“Are you imagining it?” I rasped. She didn’t dare answer. “Imagining my cock filling you up? Imagining nothing but your every need being satisfied as I fucked you? Imagining the words you’d whimper for me, the little moans and mewls you’d make as I made you come over and over again?”


“You know why they’re so obsessed with me, Ray?” I continued. Lifting her chin just slightly, I turned her head to the side, let my lips brush against her ear. I could feel the shiver that ran through her body. “It’s not because of my money. It’s not because of my gold medals. It’s because I give a shit about their pleasure and make them feel things they didn’t know men were capable of.”

I dragged my thumb across her lower lip simply because I could, feeling the tremor in it. “Wade,” she whispered, locked and frozen.

“So fucking frigid. Tell me you don’t want that at least a tiny bit,” I whispered. “Lie to me, Ice Bunny.”

Within the span of a second, she wriggled from my grasp. She pushed herself to her feet shakily, her breaths staggered, her eyes frenzied, her balance off. “I’m not your bunny,” she croaked, pushing the hair from her face. “I… I need a minute. Get off the ice.”

Biting my lip to hide the undeniable smirk on my face, I crawled the two feet to the exit, pulling myself up onto solid ground that didn’t feel like it would fall out from under me. I’d give her space. Give her time. Watch as she skated lap after lap, faster and faster, working off every ounce of adrenaline I’d poured into her in just a few sentences.

Maybe this would be harder than I thought.

Chapter 15

