Page 12 of Brute & Bossy

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Another cackle from Holly outside the office door.

I flexed my hands to keep my cool. Hiring someone this sassy was going to be tougher to deal with than I originally thought. “At least an hour each.”

Her eyes went wide as she turned back to the screen. “Well, someone's a bit full of themselves, aren’t they?” she mumbled.

Jesus. She was going to make me lose my cool on the first fucking day.

I leaned down closer to her, my head beside hers, and could hear the shift in her breath as I brought my lips to her ear. She smelled like the earth did just before it rained, in the way flowers and trees knew the dampness was coming. “Some men actually enjoy making the person they sleep with feel good,” I whispered. I ensured every single syllable dripped with lust. “Some men don’t just stick their cock inside and call it a day, Raylene.”

“It’s Ray,” she breathed, shaky and unnerved. I watched as her hand tightened around the mouse.

“So sorry. Let me say that again,” I purred. My smirk grew as I felt the shift in her beside me. “I don’t just stick my cock inside and call it a day… Ray. I prefer that the women I sleep with actually enjoy themselves and mean it when they scream my name.”

I stood up straight, losing that unique scent from her and the tight little breaths she made. She didn’t say another goddamn word.

“I’ll leave you to it.”


I clicked my pen against my lower lip. “You realize you’re giving me two months to somehow cancel reservations for paying guests and organize an entire wedding?”

Chloe pouted, her lower lip jutting out as her eyes widened. “Please, Wadey,” she cooed, using that heartbreaking sing-song voice she’d used on me since we were kids. I hated that it always worked. “It’ll be right around the time the season’s ending. It shouldn’t be too difficult.”

I sucked on my teeth, flicking through the resort’s calendar for the weekend she was requesting. I watched her from the corner of my eye, batting her lashes and leaning forward onto my desk, hoping to get a better view of my screen. Such a menace. “You’re so lucky I don’t have an event already booked,” I sighed.

Her chair shifted as she sat up. “Does that mean…?”

I cracked a grin as I glanced at her. “I suppose we can make it work.”

The shriek that ripped from Chloe made me jump, and from the way Ray turned in her chair and stared at the glass that separated us, I knew she’d heard it too. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Chloe beamed. She threw herself across my desk, bleached blonde, wavy hair flying, and wrapped her arms around my neck. “You are the best big brother in the entire world.”

“Yeah, I know,” I laughed. Over Chloe’s shoulder, I watched Ray’s eyes narrow as she kept her gaze trained on what she couldn’t see. Heaven knows what was going through her head. “But you owe me big time.”

“Anything. Anything at all.” Her smile was damn near infectious as she pulled away from me, smoothing out her dress before plopping back into her seat with the kind of drama only she could wield. “Would you be able to block out a section of the resort a few days before the wedding, too? I know Zane wants to fly in early, and Mom’s coming early too. I haven’t heard back from Dad yet though.”

I groaned and slid deeper into my chair. “You’re inviting Zane?”

The happiness on her face slipped away, leaving only a blank, annoyed stare behind. “Of course I’m inviting Zane. He’s our brother, dumbass.”

“Step brother. I don’t want him at the resort.”

“Yeah, well, you’re going to have to suck it up. Mom wants him there and I don’t have a problem with him, so he’s invited.”

This was just getting better and better.

I pushed myself back up and leaned forward over my desk, pressing the little button next to my phone. “Ray, can you come in here please?”

I watched Ray as her spine straightened and the color drained from her face, her eyes turning once again toward the one-way mirror. Installing that PA system was the best choice I ever made.

“That’s weird, you know,” Chloe said, following my gaze and watching Ray fumble to her feet. “Are you some kind of voyeur now?”

“It was there when I bought the property. Normally the blinds are down.”

A hesitant knock on the door to my office echoed through the small space. “Is it… uh… are you decent?” Ray called, her voice smaller than I expected.

Chloe snorted. “Fucking girls in your office lately?”

I leveled a glare at her.
