Page 78 of Heart Thief

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He growls out, “Bossy tonight, Kitten!”

I don’t say a word, just nod at him. I’m not sure I can speak anyway.

He pulls his t-shirt off, and tugs me to him as close as we can be. Sucking on my neck and collarbones, he tips forward so I’m underneath him and pulls at my loose pyjama-style bottoms. I’ve no knickers on, and he closes his eyes for a minute as he takes that in.

“I love that you’re bare here.” His voice is raspy, fervent, as he pulls his sweatpants down and off. Tipping the food off the blanket, his eyes are wild, pupils blown. He grabs me, nearly frantic, struggling to grate out, “I need to be inside you, Kitten.” And with that, pulls my legs apart and pushes his knees between my thighs. “Kitten?”

He’s asking for permission, and it’s nearly enough to send me over the edge.


I barely recognize my own voice, caught between myriad emotions, our history, his passion, my need.

He pushes forward, opens me up and sinks inside with a visceral sound I have never heard from him before. I thrust up to meet him, moving with him as he sets a frantic pace. He holds me, his arms bracing my back, hands curled around my shoulders, pulling me down towards him on each thrust.

“Fuck, Evie,” he shouts out. He’s erratic and wild, biting my neck, and I can feel him deep, deep inside me, bottoming out with every pound.

I wrap my legs around his waist, encouraging him in even deeper, but he sits up and pulls me back onto his lap, impaling me on his length. And, oh god, it’s extraordinary, and I gasp at the feeling.

“Feel me, Kitten. Feel how much I want to be here.” He’s looking me straight in the eyes, and the intensity is palpable. Just when I’m struggling to maintain eye contact with him, he puts his face to the side of mine and throws his head back. “Move, Kitten. Slowly, move.”

I begin rotating my hips, pushing down as I do, clenching my muscles around him. He’s groaning in delight, and I’m panting and matching his groans each time his piercing touches the sacred spot deep inside me.

He lifts me off again, and I feel bereft. I’m practically grabbing him to get back in. Keening, “No. No, Kellen.”

He laughs as he moves me onto all fours and pushes straight in from behind. “Don’t worry, Kitten, I’m going nowhere.” He pumps into me, wrapping my hair around his fist and pulling on it. The sound of flesh on flesh echoes around the room along with our moans. Lifting my torso so my back is pressed against his lean, cut chest, he starts to play with my nipples. Pulling my face to the side, he attacks my mouth with sloppy kisses, licking and biting as he goes.

“Tell me you’re close, Kitten. I need to come.” Pounding into me impossibly harder, he drops his hand to my clit and massages around it, pressing and releasing in a divine rhythm.

“Kell, I’m close.”

“I know, baby. Come, let go, baby.”

I feel the scorching fire that has overtaken my body and is moving at full pelt to my core. I scream as I can no longer bear it and I come, clenching down on him in pulses so hard I hear him call out and throb inside and let go. I feel him pulsing and pumping into me. I fall forward and he follows me down, a panting sweaty heap.

I start to laugh, my whole body jerking and moving.

“Not the best reaction, being laughed at, Evie.” He’s trying to admonish me, but I feel the smile on his face and it betrays him.

I turn my head slightly around to kiss him. “I’m not laughing at you, at myself. I thought I would be in charge.”

“Dream on, Kitten, not in this lifetime. But you can give it a go in the next one.”

“You think you’d go for another lifetime?” I ask him.

“Every lifetime, Evie. Every single fucking one, I’d find you.” He’s seriously sincere. And as he kisses me, my heart stutters in my chest. It’s the first time since we’ve reconnected that I feel some depth to the words he’s saying. I feel like I’m getting a glimpse of the boy I knew all those years ago.

We spend the next hours nuzzling, kissing, talking, fucking, making love, and, eventually, sleeping.

I wake, expecting to still be in the cinema room, but I’m not. He’s carried me to my bed. I look around, no green woodland, but a soft grey hue. Not my bed, his.

He’s laid on his back with his arm over his eyes, but he’s awake. Turning towards him, my smile is more shy than I’d like it to be. I haven’t woken with him beside me like this in years, and I’m not sure what to expect. We’re going to spend the next two days in each other’s company, and whilst so far it has been amazing, start to throw other people into the mix, not to mention his family, and, well, my expectations plummet.

But he smiles at me and I’m transported back to when we were sixteen, waking beside him in his bed, or a barn hayloft, or an old lodge if we’d stayed out all night together. The feel of his hands on me under the covers is sublime, and my body starts to sing with every stroke and caress. Moving down my body, he pushes my legs towards my shoulders and licks me until I’m screaming for mercy, then pushes into me and fucks me long and hard.

“I need to go and get sorted. People will be arriving in half an hour. Xan is likely already here.” His voice pulls me from light slumber. I’m dozing again, feeling like I’m in an orgasm induced coma.

He pulls me into him and I’m not sure what to make of his serious expression and tone. “Listen, about tonight, I need you to stay with me. Don’t wander off. Whatever it is that Xander’s got planned—and I’ve got a pretty good idea what it is—promise me, Evie. Me only.”
