Page 49 of Heart Thief

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“Yeah, he’s a good guy. I met him when I first went to LA.”

“Well I’m sure I can’t object to that, they’ll be thrilled.”

She turns away and goes to move out from my embrace and off my chest. I hang onto her, not letting her go. What the fuck am I thinking? I need to let her go. I could get up and leave now—should get up and leave now. Perfect timing for an arsehole like me. But no, I’m worse, I want to part on good terms.

I pull her back on top of me. “Don’t, Kitten.” I tilt my forehead to hers and close my eyes. “Don’t shut me down.” She says nothing and I open my eyes and look into her clear grey eyes.

“I’m not. Disappointed, yes. I’ll miss them, that’s all.” She turns and smiles, but it doesn’t reach those beautiful eyes.

I roll on top of her and push her legs open with mine, closing my eyes as I kiss her. I’ll lose it if I look at her.

Kissing her face and neck, licking and biting her collarbones, I push my cock, now as hard as it has been all night, into her. I move slowly, so fucking slowly, with deliberate strokes, moving my hips in short hard thrusts. Mixing it up with long, nearly all the way out and then push back in, strokes. I don’t stop this rhythm, I don’t speed up, just fuck her. Our bodies are covered in sweat, her legs are wrapped tightly around my waist, and she’s using her feet to push me faster.

“No, Kitten, feel everything.”

She’s back to no words other than begging. I smile down at her and watch the myriad of emotions crossing her face. Pleasure, desire, want, need, I see them all and I love it. They’re all for me, and I’ll drink in every one while I can. When she arches her back and thrusts her hips at me, I pull almost out, sending her back to begging me to carry on. I push back in and thrust harder and harder, feeling the tingle at the base of my spine. My balls are aching, my toes curling. I shout out her name as she screams mine.

Her pussy clenches around my cock, again and again. My piercing throbs. And I can’t fucking breathe. I see stars behind my eyes as I empty everything I have into her.

Collapsing on top of her, I breathe in her scent, her skin wet with a sheen of sweat. I lick and nip, rubbing my face into her neck. I can’t stop touching her.

Eventually I roll off to the side so she can breathe better. Neither of us says a word. She curls her body into mine and closes her eyes. I can’t decide if it’s a defence mechanism or maybe, hopefully, sheer exhausted bliss.

3 a.m comes far too quickly. My alarm wakes me, but Evie is curled up, fast asleep. I’ve pulled her into me and I’m wrapped around her like ivy around a brick. I worry if I move I’ll wake her, but time, and that damn flight window, wait for no man.

I slide out careful and she doesn’t move. Picking up my t-shirt and jeans, I shove them on, push my feet into my boots. I know Mick will be outside waiting.

Should I wake her? It’s early and I’ve been buried inside her most of the night. I don’t really want any kind of scene, good or bad, so I decide to leave. I’ll text her tomorrow to make sure she’s ok.

I open the door and move towards the kitchen and front doors, pulling my jumper over my head when a voice stops me.

“You off?”

Jude is sitting at the table in the kitchen, watching me.

Pulling my jumper on completely, I glance back the way I came and then look at him.

“Yeah. I’ve not woken Evie, she needs the sleep. I couldn’t find anything to write on, so I’ll text her tomorrow.”

“Why?” he simply says. “You’re not coming back. Best to leave it, don’t you think?”

”Still got to sort stuff with her over James, so…” I shrug. “I don’t want to fight all the fucking time with you, Jude.”

“No fight,” he says. “Just treat them right and we’ll have no issues.”

I stare at him. “Right, no issues. See you. Oh, and James is coming to me at Christmas.”

“Yeah?” He tips his head in the direction I’ve just come from. ”You told Evie?”

“Yes, tonight.”

“She okay?” He clearly thinks she might not be.

“She seemed so. I hope so. I’ll catch up with her tomorrow.”

He nods and goes back to whatever he’s reading as I turn and go towards the doors, out into the dark, cold, December night.

The moon is full, bright in the sky with no clouds. I hear a shout, and see James and the lads coming into the square towards home.
