Page 45 of Heart Thief

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“Where to?” He asks us both.

“My house,” I tell Mick and stare at Kellen, daring him to say otherwise.

“You sure? James said things were a bit tense earlier. He mentioned a spatula was involved.” He’s playing with my hands and fingers while he speaks, caressing them, grinning down at me.

“All sorted.” I look at him. “Don’t mess with the spatula.” A laugh breaks through, completely corrupting the menacing voice I tried to put on.

He touches my hair and then glides his hands down my face, caressing my jaw before moving his fingers across my lips, resting one on my mouth. I’m watching his face as I lick the pad of his finger, closing my lips over it and sucking it into my mouth, running my tongue around it. His pupils blow wide open, he makes the most amazing noise in the back of his throat, and I go to Mach ten.

He drags his finger out and grabs my face, slamming his lips on mine, so fucking hungry. “Hurry up, Mick,'' he barks as he kisses my ears and runs his hands up my legs and under my dress. “Covering up?” he smirks. He pushes the hem upwards and looks down at the marks at the tops of my thighs, pushing my dress up so that my knickers are on show. Red satin tonight. Rubbing his fingertips across my mound, he groans out, “They feel soft but they won’t last long,” as he pushes his fingers under the fabric and into me. “So fucking wet, so fucking ready, Kitten,” he growls. “Are we there yet?”

I start to laugh at the kid-like question, but he nips at my lips, pushing the tip of his tongue into my mouth, running it on the rim of my lips, completely silencing me. “No laughing. Think I can make you come before we get to yours?” He’s thrusting his fingers in and out of me, curling them a little, hitting the front wall of my vagina. Kissing my mouth, face, ears.

I’m shocked at myself as my legs open wider to allow him better access. I flick my eyes to Mick.

“He can’t see. I won’t let him hear you either. Don’t scream, though.” He’s so brazen, he’s smiling at me, daring me to push him off.

Oh my God. I move my hips to get more friction. Staring into his eyes, I say, “Do it,” and bite down on his earlobe. Grabbing his head in both hands, I pull his hair really hard, and hiss in his ear, “You wanted a fucking fight, well now you’ve got one.”

He pulls back from me and his eyes go molten moments before he totally devours me. I can’t move for him, he has me pinned down by those goddamn fingers, as I come all over his hand. He kisses me so hard, my shout is consumed by his mouth. He moves his hand slowly in and out, bringing me down from my high. I’m flushed, my hair a mess, my eyes are glassy, I feel incoherent.

“So beautiful, Kitten,” he croons at me, adjusting his cock in his jeans and blowing out a breath. I have no idea where I am, even when we pull up outside my house. He jumps out and helps me down, but my legs are like jelly. “Do I need to carry you? Is anyone home?”

“Jude was, but he was going out,” I manage to stutter out. He pulls me up the steps to my house and when I fumble with my bag to find my keys, he grabs it off me, so fucking impatient, gets the keys and sorts the door.

“Do the code,” he says. “I don’t want Defcon three again and them turning up.”

He’s stood so close behind me as I enter the code, I can feel his hard on pushing into me. My brain is misfiring and it takes me three times to get it right.

“Your room,” he drags me into the house, “where?”

Clearly one word is all he can manage at this stage. I just point and he follows me in, shutting the door. “Does it lock?” I stand and put my do not disturb code in. Jonno’s devices for the win! “Fucking Jonno,” he says. “Get that fucking dress off. And the shoes, today.”

I don’t move, I can’t remember if my dress has a zip or not. Clearly my brain is not working. When I don't move fast enough, I’m spun round and he bends me over, pulling the hem of my dress over my buttocks, and smacks my arse, hard.

“That’s for not doing what you're told.” He rubs his hands over my knickers soothing the smack out, then gathers the fabric together and pulls it up into the crack of my backside, giving me a ridiculous wedgy. Smacking me twice more, he soothes over the smack as he goes, then lands another two. “That’s for calling me Marcus.”

I go to turn around to ask him how the hell else I’m supposed to introduce him, when he smacks me again, ordering me not to argue. I wallop him back and grab for his jeans.

“No, no, no, Kitten. Not this again. You are not in charge.”

I ignore him and push him up against the wall. “Who says? You?” I attack his mouth and press my body against his, my hands tearing at his jeans front, opening them in double quick time. Pushing down his jeans and boxers in one go, his cock springs free, pointing towards his stomach. I look down and gasp. It looks bigger than before.

Pulling his jumper and t-shirt off together, he pushes me towards the bed and lies down. “Ride me, Evie.”

I can’t wait. I shove my knickers down my legs, kick off my shoes, lift my dress and drop onto him. “Fuuuuuck!'' he cries out.

Throwing my head back as he stretches me wide, I push fully down, arching my back. I hold onto his shoulders and move my hips up and down. Each time feels like he’s getting bigger and deeper, his piercing hitting all the spots as he glides along my inner walls. I plant my feet beside his hips so I am squatting over him and grab his hands to hold me.

“Do it, Evie. Fucking ride me hard, Kitten.” His face is impassioned, but he’s eying me like a predator that’s caught its prey. “Fuck me, Evie.”

I do. I’m screaming his name as I move on him at a frantic pace. Letting go of one of my hands, I move it to rest behind me on his legs to support myself.

Growling, he watches as he puts his fingers on my clit and moves them in tight circles. “Come for me,” he urges, “I can feel you’re close.”

I swivel my hips on him as I continue to move, feeling the tightening heat coil through my body. And then, pure bliss. Heat and a release so powerful, it brings tears to my eyes.

I fall forward onto his chest and he continues to make small movements with his hips, still hard inside me. My greedy pussy grabs at him for more. He lifts me off and I collapse onto the bed, face down on my stomach. He’s kissing and biting my back.
