Page 29 of Heart Thief

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I raise my eyebrows at him. “I feel like a virgin, looking at that thing.” I nod my head towards his very large, very hard, very pierced cock. It’s now pointing directly at me, like a divining rod in full search mode. Reaching my hand out, I gently rub my fingers over the head and piercing. It feels amazing; velvet and steel. My heart and lady parts are all aflutter. I think they’ve gone into competition with each other as arousal courses through my veins. The more he watches as I move my hand up and down his length in soft gentle caresses, the more turned on I am. His eyes don’t leave my hand, and he draws in a sharp breath when I lean forward and lick the tip, running my tongue around the bulging head. Memories flood my mind, of us loving each other, together. Do I really want to do this? With him, again. He makes it easy to say yes to him. I want to say yes to him. I’ll take what I need and leave, his suggestion. I can do that. I think.

Cupping his balls with my other hand, I stroke them and he groans loudly as I take more of him into my mouth. I can’t stop myself. I want to taste him. I want to watch him come apart at my touch.

I have, however, forgotten who’s in charge in the bedroom, and he pops me off him, a sadistic smile gracing his lips as he croons, “No chance Evie. I need to be inside you. I don’t want to come.”

“Is that not the point?”

He laughs at my confusion. “No, not for hours yet.” Scooting me up the bed, he pushes me gently onto my back. “Ten months, huh? I won’t hurt you, Evie. I didn’t first time round at sixteen, I won’t at thirty-six.”

Using his legs to push mine wider apart, he drops a kiss near my mound and works his way up my body, nipping, biting, and sucking as he goes. I’m beginning to realise there won’t be an inch of me he has not touched or marked in some way.

Threading my fingers through his hair, I tug and pull on it, moaning as pleasure pulses through me. He sucks my left nipple into his mouth and I feel the pull in my pussy as it clenches on air, wanting him.

I arch my back as he pulls harder, sucks longer, and bites down as he massages my other breast with his hand. When I think I can’t possibly take it anymore, he moves his head to the other side to repeat the process.

“Kellen, please,” I beg.

“What Evie? What do you want me to do?” He looks up at me and slaps the side of my breast.

I’m shocked. No one has ever done that to me. I didn’t even know it was a thing. Before I can gather myself enough to react, he bows his head and bites and sucks the nipple, then does the same on the other side, slapping me and then kissing me.

I’m coming apart at the seams, it stings so good, enhancing his touch. I love it, oh god how can I love that? I don’t get a minute to consider it further as he moves his hand downwards and pushes two fingers inside me.

“So fucking ready for me,” he growls. Grabbing his cock, he pumps it once, twice, his head thrown backwards in pleasure. When he finally locks eyes with me, he breathes out, “Let me make you feel, Evie,” and lines his cock up with my entrance.

“Condom,” I manage to gasp out.

He shakes his head. “Not with you. Never with you. Then or now. I want nothing between us, Evie. I get tested regularly. And I always have used a condom with anyone else. Are you on the pill?”

He’s asking now? With the tip of his cock pressing against me.

“Yes, a shot.”

“I’d never put you in harm’s way.”

I hesitate for a beat, bearing in mind I have an eighteen-year-old son. But even back then, it had probably been a change in contraception that had caused our issues, not irresponsible actions on either side. He is promiscuous, his lifestyle well publicised. But I’ve never seen any baby daddy suits against him. The others in his band, yes. Him, no. I surrender to the truth. He hadn’t ever deliberately put me into a difficult situation, always the opposite in fact. Always protected me, always tried to keep me safe. And as I nod at him, he pushes forward, his eyes still on mine, watching.

I feel the piercing, but I’m so wet and it feels so good. He stops and moves his hips, my eyes rolling back in my head as I shut them.

“Open your eyes,” he instructs, his voice way lower than normal. He pushes further in, touching all the perfect places.

Wow, piercings. Who knew? It’s my last coherent thought as I become nothing more than a vessel for pleasure, his and mine.

“Fuck, you feel good. So, fucking, tight,” he hums as he pumps in and out of me in a slow rhythm. The weight of his fit body feels sublime as he pins me in place. He licks between my breasts and continues up my neck, biting my jaw line.

The feral cry that erupts from my throat as he hits deeper and deeper, pushes him into a frenzy, moving faster and harder. Every one of my nerve endings are crying out for his touch. Every gasp awaiting his response. His body answering the call, his growls adding to the symphony. My hands are all over his back, stroking, feeling his muscles move as he continues to drive us both forward. When I move one of my hands upwards towards his head and pull hard on his hair, he huffs out a laugh.

“You want to play rough, E?” I wrap my legs around his waist, and pull him towards me in reply. Lifting my hips, he grabs my arse, changing the angle slightly so he can go even deeper.

“How rough baby?” He moves us backwards until he’s off the bed, standing up on the floor with my legs around his waist but keeping my back on the bed. He has so much leverage now, I swear I feel him touching my womb as he continues pounding into me.

He brings one hand to my clit, massaging, circling, watching his cock pump in and out.

“Please, Kellen,” my voice is otherworldly with desperation as it seems to be the only two words I know. As he rubs me harder in response, his eyes are as wild as his thrusts, and he seems to have lost any gentleness. He growls when I match him and push myself onto him.
