Page 27 of Heart Thief

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“Not here, baby. Let’s go. No one gets to see you tonight but me.”

He moves fast and pulls me out of the booth like a whirlwind. “No one disturbs us, Mick,” he orders as we blast past him and Tommy towards the lifts. ”At all. Unless it’s an emergency with James.” He looks back and points at the men, reiterating, “No one,” as he pushes me into the lift and presses the close button before Mick and Tommy can get in.

I see Mick throw a hand out, exasperated, but Kellen is not remotely bothered. As soon as the lift doors shut, he pushes me to the back of the little golden box and attacks my mouth, his hands touching and pinching my breasts.

“Fuck, cameras,” he says in annoyance, pressing into me further but not moving his hands.

At least one of us is thinking. I can hardly breathe, panting like I’ve run a race and lost. I can’t get my thoughts together quickly enough.

The lift doors open and he pulls me out. “Only us on this floor, Tommy and Mick will be in there. No one else can get in,” he tells me, nodding at the two other rooms as he unlocks the last door on the left, pushing me through it and spinning me around so my back lands on the now slammed shut door.




Locking the deadbolt behind her, I push her into the door and drop to my knees. Her gasp as I look up at her has me grinning like a pirate in the throes of lust for buried treasure. She looks like she’s drunk, hair all over the place, eyes massive in her beautiful face, lips full and pouty from me sucking and biting them. Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

I lift her dress and push it up towards her hips, revealing a pair of black lace bikini-style briefs. She’s fucking bare beneath them. I drop my head and rest it on her stomach as I inhale her arousal. I don’t think I’m going to survive this. I knew I should have rubbed another one out in that shower. I’m gonna cum in my jeans at this rate, and I need to get it together to deliver on all the promises I’ve been making.

Our eyes meet as my mouth glides across her skin, kissing her stomach from one side to the other, running my tongue around her navel, nipping and sucking as I go. Pulling her knickers down her legs, they only go so far as her legs are spread slightly, so I tear the lace in two and bring them to my nose to get more of her scent.

Her breath stutters in her throat when I pocket them, and she’s starting to look a bit startled.

But then she says, “You always wa’ a kinky fucker,” in her best Yorkshire accent.

I grin as I gently open her lips and she opens her legs wider to give me access. My eyes find hers as I lick up and around her clit. She drops her head back on the door with a thunk and closes her eyes, taking the beautiful view of the storm behind them with her. Her hands move to my head and rake through my hair and I groan at the sensation, the vibration on her clit sending her into orbit.

Pointing my tongue, I push it up inside her. She’s so fucking wet, my face is covered in her juices. I push two fingers gently into her, scissoring them as I go. She moans and starts to move her hips to get more friction on her little bundle of nerves. I’m a greedy bastard, and I know I’ve only just got started, but I want to show her how this is going to go. When I rub her juices towards her puckered back hole and spread them all around, she squeaks.

I remove my mouth from her and ask, “Do you want to feel everything I have for you Evie?” She nods. “Words, Evie. I need them.”

“Yes,” she gasps out.

I nip at the top of her thighs, knowing she’ll have more bite marks by the end of this night, and go back to licking and sucking her pussy. Plunging my fingers in and out of her pussy faster and faster, I begin moving a finger inside her back hole. She starts to scream my name and her legs are quaking. She collapses against me, relying on my weight to hold her up as she starts to cum. When I move my tongue inside to lap at her juices, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.

I lick her through her release, finally standing and pushing into her, chest to chest, when her knees begin to buckle. I push open the top of her dress, but instead of wasting time undoing the buttons, I put both hands on either side and rip it open.

Flushed, eyes dazed, tits encased in a black lace bra, dress hanging around her hips, and a bare pussy on show—she’s the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in years.

Pushing the cups of her bra down, I pop out those amazing tits and use a finger to trace large, slow circles around the edge of one nipple before moving to the other one.

“What do you want, Evie?” I continue to circle and pinch her nipples as I wait, wondering if she even knows the answer.

“You,” is the only answer I get. And I’ll take it.

I smile at her. “A woman of few words, eh?”

Spinning her towards the door, her bare arse on show, I spank it with deliberate smacks, stroking her after each one.

“Owww,” she cries. “What’s that for?”

Pinning my chest to her back, I move her hair away from her ears, grind my cock against her arse, and say, “Calling me Marcus.”

She smiles at that, purring, “You deserved it.”

I lick around her ear and bite her lobe before spanking her again and spinning her back around to face me.
