Page 9 of Love Notes

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Tom grinned. “If you can relax, then I’m doing my job right. That’s a good thing, don’t apologise for that. Just tell me next time, so I can be here to check on you in case you fall asleep.”

I nodded.

“Now, can I interest you in anything here?” He gestured at the selection of hot and cold food spread out across the table in my room.

My stomach growled in reply, and I bit my bottom lip thinking about what it was I had last eaten. Properly before the concert. Carl had attempted to get me to eat last night after the room invasion, but I had barely picked over what was there. Right now, I was starving, and the fact Tom had been courteous enough to order a bit of everything and made sure I was eating was comforting to say the least.

I grabbed the empty plate he held out for me, and I lifted a bit of everything that looked delicious until I had a full platter. Tom did the same and sat at the small table with two chairs arranged in front of the window.

The first bite sent me into foodgasmic heaven. “Oh, mmmmm!”

Tom wiped his thumb across his mouth with a grin at my reaction. “Sounds like you needed that as much as you needed the bath.”

With my mouth full of delicious food, all I could do was nod in agreement. I didn’t know if the food was actually that good, or if it was just that after so long without anything sensible in my stomach, my body was delighted I was feeding it. Either way, I was enjoying the feast in front of us, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

After a few mouthfuls, Tom’s gaze in my direction started to feel like heat on my skin. “Sorry, I’m stuffing my face; I haven’t eaten properly since before last night’s concert.”

He wiped his mouth with a napkin and sat back with a smirk. “I’m happy to see you enjoying your food. It’s all good with me.”

“Thank you for all this.”

He shrugged. “Not a problem.”

“Next time I’m taking a bath I’ll make sure I tell you first, and I’ll take my phone with me.”

“Thank you, that’d make life easier. I know this process is going to be quite intrusive, but it’s a necessary evil. I don’t mean to sound like I’m being a bossy bastard.”

I shook my head and put up a hand. “No, it’s fine, honestly. I totally understand what makes it a necessity. I promise to keep you informed of everything I’m doing when I’m not in your sight in future to make sure there are no misunderstandings or scares like this evening. I’m not here to try and make your job more difficult.”

He smiled, seemingly satisfied with my response. “So, now is as good a time as ever to go over the rules of this situation, I guess. If that’s okay with you?”

I gestured for him to continue.

“If you’re going anywhere, I would like to know ahead of time, and I will insist that I go with you. If you are taking a bath, going to bed, or whatever it happens to be, and I’m somewhere else in the building, I would ask that you tell me, and if it’s that you’re in the bath or shower, you take your phone with you in case anything comes up and I need to contact you.”

“All sounds sensible so far,” I agreed.

“If I’m not available, Levi will be instead. You met him earlier, and in London, remember?”

Taking another bite of food, I nodded.

“I will always be in the same suite or in an adjoining room, and I ask you not to lock any doors between us for your own safety.”

“Does that include the bathroom door?” I ask around a mouthful of food.

“Only if you’re going to make a habit of falling asleep in the bath.” He grinned back at me and for the first time that day I noticed he had a particularly nice smile. It was warm and genuine and something cheeky sparkled in the corner of his eyes when he did it.

I sat back in my chair, rubbing my bare stomach, stuffed with all the food I had feasted on. “Scouts honour.” I grinned back at him, attempting a terrible Scout salute to go with it.

He laughed. “Why do I feel like you were never in the Scouts?”

I feigned innocence and shrugged my shoulders.

His smile faded a little and his brows furrowed. “Why did you leave the boy band, if you don’t mind me asking?”

I shook my head. It wasn’t something that I hid from anyone. “Long story short, they didn’t allow me to be who I really was and it drove me to self-medicate with alcohol.”

